17. Being the Bigger Sister.

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"We Will be back in a day darlings. Take care" their mom said cheerfully.

Alex smiled and waved goodbye. Abby nodded. She noticed as Alex went solemnly into the kitchen and sat on the floor; staring at the portrait of their family.

Their dad's jolly face beamed at her. He had brown hair like her. While their mom was blonde like Abby.

Alex sniffed. Abby sighed and sat near her,"its probably not on purpose Alex"

"So.. you're saying she.. She genuinely forgot that today was dad's birthday?" Alex said as tears welled in her eyes.

"Oh baby." Abby said and placed Alex's head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around her as Alex began to cry. She kissed her on the head.

"Mom has moved on. We haven't. We may never be able to either. But.. we have to understand her." Abby said,"till then I have an idea to celebrate dads birthday the way he would've wanted to. Ok? "

Alex nodded awhile Abby kissed the top of her head. She herself had tears in her eyes. But she would be strong for Alex. She sighed. Alex had been through enough. Telling a ten year old that her father had died in a car crash and his body was charred and couldn't be shown to her does that.

[Flashback within flashback (flashback inception) ]:

Abby remembered the day. It was cloudy. Alex was playing with the guitar. Abby knocked on her door.

"Hey kiddo"

"Hi Abby" Alex smiled,"is dad here yet? He don't come home last night"

Abby gulped the knot that formed in her throat.

"Alexis. We have to talk" she said and knelt down beside her.

"Dad.. daddy.. was in a car crash, baby" she said while a tear escaped her eye.

"... well.. is he ok?! "Alex asked worriedly. Abby looked at her with an empty stare that said more than words ever could.

Alex understood. Her expression was one that haunted Abby for nights. It was a culmination of heartbreak, disbelief, and utter sorrow.

"Can I see him?" Alex asked in a hoarse whisper.

"He.. " abby's voice cracked, "he.. the car.. exploded. There is nothing left to see Alexis"

Alex's face crumpled as she sobbed. She was never the same again. Neither was Abby. She stopped being a child and was forced to grow up. To take Care of her sibling. She couldn't behave like a teen anymore. Now she had to be the adult... for Alexis.

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