35. Too Late?

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"Idiot . I'm an idiot. He doesn't care!" Alexis muttered as she walked toward the one place she felt peace in. The park. It was late by the time she reached. Not many people were there. She sat on the bench where she had often sat with her sister and began to weep. She wasn't one to weep soon. She had never cried when Dan hit her, but this pain that she felt was worse. Like someone had taken her heart out and torn it into a million pieces. It was almost unbearable.

She sobbed , Unaware of the time. Soon it became very late. She still sat silently , memories flooding through her head. Memories of her family that she lost , the life that she lost , the happiness that always seemed to elude her , the happiness that Loki had provided. False happiness apparently, she thought she could get it back. That she would finally be happy . Was joy not written in her fate ? She looked around the park . No one was there . A cool breeze blew . She looked up at the moon  and sat staring at her it , hoping to derive some form of comfort

-------time skip brought to you by puppies--------------

"Is that her house?" Natasha asked . Loki nodded and skidded the car to a halt . They burst in and Loki ran to the upper rooms. A door was locked and Loki kicked it open . A very scared Andy was hidden by the bed .

"P..professor?!" He asked in shock. Loki walked up to him and caught his neck.

" where is your father you pathetic mewling quim ? Tell me or you will writhe under my wrath!" Loki threatened looking perfectly intimidating . Andy stuttered.

"He ... he said he was going for work?" Andy said . The statement coming out more like a question. Loki left him and he hid behind the bed again. Loki went to what appeared to be Alex's room . He looked around. Where could she be?! Then he remembered . Abbeline liked to go to the park when she felt bad about things. He ran down the stairs.

"The park! She is in the park!!" He shouted . The avengers immediately rushed out and they made their was to the park.

"Don't die Alexis... please" Loki muttered

-----------time change by cats...equality---------

As Alexis sat , she closed her eyes and began to hum lullabies that her mom used to sing. "Pretty voice" a voice said . She froze knowing exactly who it belonged to . She slowly turned to find the sharp edge of a knife right near her face . She looked up at the man  and gasped.


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