16. Oh how the Gods Fall!

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The evening went by with Loki and Alex talking. They weren't sure what they were talking but... they enjoyed it.

They walked past something  that  resembled a tombstone. It's was huge and made of white  marble. A few pictures were on it. And some candles.

"What is this? " Loki asked. She looked at the stone.

" A memorial. There was a killing spree few years back. Many girls died. This is for them. The memorial is in two weeks." She said.

"Sad" Loki sad softly.

"It is. Yeah " she said casually. She offered to drop him home in the car and he accepted. As they drove she showed him her favorite places. He eagerly listened as she told him stories about these places.

"I must be boring you"she said with an embarrassed laughed.

"No! I find you interesting. Your story I mean.. I find your stories interesting." He said turning red. She laughed. He smiled. Her laugh was so... sweet to his ears. Why?

Finally they reached his apartment. He got out.

"Thank you so much Alex!" He said.

"Sure professor!" She smiled, "see you tomorrow! "

He nodded and waved as she drove away. His heart sank as she left. He shook off the feeling and walked into his apartment.

He used his magic to change into his Asgardian armor. He loved wearing it. He missed it. He used magic to make his room look  like the one in Asgard. It was gold with green drapes and bedspread. It looked beautiful. He smiled as he touched his helmet. He put it on.

"Oh Loki of Asgard. How low you have fallen God of mischief and lies! " he chuckled as he looked into the mirror. The god of mischief as falling for a petty mortal. How the tables turn!

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