36. Karma is a Bitch.

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"Dan... what are you doing?" She asked slowly standing up.

"Finishing my job... you're my fifth brunette. This will be a pleasure !" He said with a sadistic grin.  She blinked.

"You're the serial killer." She mumbled. He nodded and got closer.

"You killed Abbeline" she said as her temper flared. He shrugged.

"She was a pain in my side anyway". He said casually . Alex gritted her teeth.

"why?" she asked. he shrugged.

"when I saw your family. You were exactly what I needed. a blonde....and a brunette ..almost correct age, correct look. Your sister was the right age, you needed time. So I waited. A nice family . Perfect to kill" he grinned as he lunged forward with the knife.

"You son of a ..." she muttered as she caught his wrist and pulled him. Her elbow made contact with his nose. She kneed him in the abdomen.

"She was innocent you asshole!" She shouted as he doubled up in pain. The knife had fallen.  She got into fighting stance like Natasha had taught her.

"Timber" she muttered with a deranged look in her eye. He looked confused.

"You're going down" she said and ran at him. (Get it?  Timber?...I'll shut up now )

-------------time skip brought to you by Aerosmith. I love them----------

"DRIVE  FASTER! " Loki shouted at Natasha.

"It's in full speed. Shut up and keep an eye out! " Natasha shouts back. Loki looks out the window. It had begun to rain. They were almost near the park. They spotted Dan's van. Loki's face twisted in anger.

"He is there." Loki said as the car skidded to a halt. They all got out.

"Loki? Keep him alive Natasha said . Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Why?!" He asked. Natasha looked at him with a dangerous look.

"So we can put  him through the hell  she lives in" she muttered grimly. They ran toward the park. Loki prayed and  hoped that they wouldn't be greeted with her dead body. However when they reached the park the view they were greeted with was completely different.

A fuming Alexis stood with her clenched fists. Dan was on the ground. He was beginning to  stand up. He was bruised. So was she. Her face was beaten up. Her shirt had a huge blood stain on the side. She was limping slightly. She looked up at Loki and the others.

"He killed my sister.. he killed all those girls." She said with a grim voice. The rain beat down on her face but she didn't even notice.

"Alex" Natasha mumbled  and tried to get close. Alex's face crumpled up.

"She was innocent. They were all innocent." She said as she sobbed.

"I.. " Dan began but she roughly kicked him where the sun DID NOT shine and he fell to the ground.

"DON'T TALK!  YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE! " she screamed before kicking him again. Loki's  heart broke to see her that way. All the pain and sorrow that she bottled up was now coming out. Steve walked toward her and turned her toward him.

"Alex.. we got him." Steve said in a clear voice. She melted into him and sobbed her heart out.

"No.. she was innocent... Abby" she wept and muttered Abbeline's name several times before  finally  passing out. Clint  and Tony caught Dan who looked terrified of the avengers. Loki checked on Alex.

"She got stabbed in the side. She lost blood. But she will be  ok. Let's get her to the healers" Loki said. Steve nodded and carried her to the car. Natasha and Loki looked at Dan.

"We got him" Natasha said and grabbed Dan. Clint  nodded and walked away with Tony. Loki and Nat looked at Dan with a look that could strike fear into death itself.

"Wh.. what are you going to do with me?" Dan  asked. Loki looked at Natasha who replied with a lopsided smile.

"What do you think Loki? " she asked while still staring at him.

"Hmm....why don't you show him the training you received Natasha? " Loki asked as he also stared at him

"Gladly" she replied.

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