chapter 7: Speach.

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A day had passed. Sans' magic was slowly coming Back, and he could almoslt summon a blaster for more than a minute now... not the best, but still better

Everyone knew about what happed. "Guys. Come here." Chara peeked her head Into the door and pointed to the tv.

You both walked in together.
"Asgore Dremurr is being trialed for murder of six children, unless proven otherwise. A Speach if opinions will be states by government officials and the only human to ever make it out alive. (Y/N). This local meeting will be held in town square."

They turned off the tv and looked at you. "Kid. What the hell happened." Sans mumbled quietly.

The meeting was starting. Your anxiety was over 9,000. And you had to wait till everyone was done saying what they needed to say before you could defend Asgore.

First a woman walked up. "I personally think monsters should have never came back. We sealed them for a reason, and now to see they are the reason lids have died, I don't see why we can't do it once more."

The crowd cheered. Everyone's speeches were similar. And finally it was your turn.

Slowly you walked to the microphone. Took in a deep breath and started.

"Hello, I am (Y/N). Also known as the ambassador for monsters. Some- no many of you know that some monsters did decide to go human. But I'm not here to talk about that. You expect to put Asgore in jail for trying to save his people. YOU all killed his son, and if not for me. He would still be dead platonically. Monsters have done no harm as of lately, and you expect to just go and trap then again? No. That is not right. These monsters deserve their freedom. After what you've put them through, after what IVE put them through... i don't expect to see any monster accused for anything. Nor see them back underground. Just to see how much they've improved, I'll have a fellow friend if mine explain what he feels needs to be said."
You looked at sans. He nodded and walked on stage.

"Im normally a layed back guy. Not easily offended. But to think that humans can turn their backs on us after what we've been through
Heh. I don't expect to see anyone i know hurt EVER agian. I understand your worry about the situation, but Asgore only wanted to free his kind. Never did he intended to kill children for that power." His eye flashed a blue, then back to white. Then blue again. It was doing the same thing it did before. His magic was glitching.

He blinked and rubbed his eye calming it down some. "I've said what I needed to say." And with that he walked off stage.

"I think that Asgore should not be accused for false crime. It wasn't his plan, if it was, I'd have never made it out."

The crowd cheered.
"I think I got this." You mumbled quietly

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