chapter 13: cross

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You slowly stood up. You turned to him. He was taller than you... by a lot...

"So, I understand the fact that you hate me... it not the first time I've herd it, but it doesn't phase me. Error failed at his job, again, but I still have my turn."

You felt something grip your arms and legs. You stood there, pretty much tied up, except this was the nightmare crap holding You.

You saw the skeleton walk closer to you.

"And considering that I have no timeline...

Yours will do perfectly"

You felt like killing him, he WOULD NOT take your happy ending away from you.

"Well, if you can tell, I won't let it happen. You'll be dust before you even made it out."

He chuckled.

"It's too bad though, our time seems to have ran out. Well, see you later kid. Oh tell sans
Said hi."

You Looked ay him fade away as your eyes opened slowly.

You stood up slowly and trudged out of the room.
The hose was quite, everyone was still sleeping. You needed fresh air.

Before walking out you grabbed your phone and opened your messages and texted cassie.

-hey can you send me the homework, in gonna come to school today. It's only five so I have time.

It didnt take long until she texted back

-we haven't gotten it yet. And good, some kids are wondering where the ambassador is.

You took in a breath of the freezing air before walking back in.

Paps drove you to school, and INSTANTLY you were noticed by everyone.

You grabbed your bag and got out.

School was different, you hadn't been here for months surprisingly, but the school didn't seem to mind.

You made it to your class and walked in. Victoria instantly noticed you, followed by everyone else.

she smirked and you grinned.
"Hello (Y/N)" You looked at the teacher and waved.

"Would you tell us about what's happened?"

You sighed and walked to the front.

"Ok, so first of all, I theatrically died to say the least, not only that but for the past few weeks I've been keeping the peace between humans and monsters." You simply shrugged and shot a look at Victoria.

"What's all of your excuses?"

Victoria grunted and you took your seat next to Cassy.

Lunch was horrible, not only was the food pretty much death on a plate, but everyone asked where you had been.

The courtyard wasn't any better.
All of your teachers asked where you had been and you'd respond like you did that morning.

You simply wanted the day to end.

The loudspeaker beeped, you just hoped it was a end of the day announcement or something.

"(Y/N) (L/N) to the front office with your things, someone is here to get you."

You jumped out of your seat and ran out. Sans was there. You were kinda confused about why he got you.

He looked at you,
"It's about uh, ya know.

He teleported you out if the school and looked down at you.

"Kid what ever you did, or said, it's not good. The core code isn't right, this whole AU could fall apart depending on what he changed. And if that's not enough to worry about." His eye flashed a blue but flickered to a red, then yellow, and then faded away.

"Than this is. Magic isn't meant to change colors. That means, either he is pretty much changing my code to something bad, or changing the whole AU'S code to something even worse."

You look at sans.

"We need to get ink. Maybe he can help."

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