chapter 28: leaving

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You woke up. You didn't remember falling asleep, but didn't mind.

The house was quiet, and it was dark outside. So from what you herd you guessed it was late.

You also herd quiet, child-like mumbles.
Chara and Asriel.

A quick glance at the clock was all you needed to do.
3:04 am.

They should have been asleep ages ago. Although... It's not like you could go tell them to go to bed.

You'd never make it up the steps. You listened carefully, trying to make out the words.

(Y/N)......Leave....mad. were all you could make out. You tried your best to figure out what it meant.

And yet you failed.
The only thing that popped up was HIM. And you regreted that memory.

You got to the point of curiosity, that you flopped off the couch and attempted to crawl over to the steps.

But you hardly made it past the couch. So you ended up dragging your body back to the couch, and pulling yourself on if.

The house was quiet now. They probably all went to sleep. And you yourself could use a 'nap'

And being the lazy crap you were, you did just that.

A scream echoed through the
Ruins. Echoing off the walls
And through what seemed to be
Empty corridors.

A child's cries followed.
A pained cry. One that a hurt child
Would scream.

A laugh followed.
And the words
"Kill or BE Killed"

The cry grew louder as the ruins
Filled with the sounds of footsteps.

The creature was shot away
By a flame from an unknown

The figure approached out of the darkness.
A goat-like creature.
With care and worry In her eyes.

The child, scared by the encounter not long ago, Screamed out.
Begging for someone to
Save them.

When the child looked back at the creature. She was on her knees.
Looking at the child from head to toe.

And every cut, or bruise the child
Once had, vanished.
No pain at all.

The child wiped their eyes.
Calming down at the presence of the creature.

When she was done, she looked the child the in the eyes and said
"Your safe now."

A word that the child had wanted to hear.
The child hugged the creature like a scared kid would.

And the creature hugged back.
"I am Toriel. Caretaker of the ruins."

The child mumbled a bare audible word
But Toriel seemed to understand.

The child's words were
"I'm (Y/N)."

And the kind creature carried the child through the ruins.
And to a safe place.

A place the child called their 'home.'
A place where the child was never hurt.

And always cared for.

Your eyes opened as the sun peered through the blinds. You stared back.

Already it felt like you were back. To you. Even though you had changed so much.

About you, about everyone.
And you refused to change it again.

You'd learn how to sprint, how to talk, and how to be (Y/N). No matter how long it took.

Quick question.
Do you prefer how the dream/flashback was written, or the way I normally write?

Depending on which one, could determine how the text. Is written.

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