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Emma's p.o.v.

This whole day has been horrific. Everything happened so fast I don't really remember what was happening! One minute I was struggling for air the next I was in a hospital bed with a teary Theo clutching my arm. Yeah... weird.

We left the hospital without anymore words exchanged between us. I open the car door half heartedly and it closes again because of the slant. I huff slightly while holding it open with more force and getting in. The ride home was deadly silent and you know what they say, silence is the most powerful scream. I stare at his face concentrating on the road but as you look deeper he wasn't thinking about the road at all, but about something else. What it is I don't know yet but I can see it by the look on his face. Something churned within my stomach making me feel nauseous. Him. The way he looks at me, how just the slightest touch impacts my body, and how I can't seem to handle all of the feelings I have towards him. They are seriously overwhelming.

I decide to look away from him, trying to stop myself from falling for his charm, but it's too late the damage is done. I zone out on the clear blue sky and the cute little houses we passed. I smile at the thought of us living there together, no drama, no arguments just sheer love and affection. My face forms a frown when I snap out of my day dream. My thoughts are stupid life doesn't ever work like that and in a way I'm glad it doesn't. In the end everything happens for a reason.

The car screeches to a stop and I look to my right to see Theo clambering out of the car and I start to do the same. I look at the house I've been held captive in for how long? I can't even remember. I follow him up the path and he quickens his pace and I try to do the same but my legs aren't as long. I huff in frustration trying to figure out what he is playing at, have I done something wrong?

He opens the door and I can tell it's Justin with his bright blue eyes and bleach blonde hair. I give him a warm smile meanwhile Theo scowled at him. Rude much? I sigh heavily not wanting them to argue and barge past Theo who was just stood childishly scowling at Justin for no particular reason? Is it because I had sex with him? I never scowled at his one night stand did I? Well I did a little bit but that's not relevant!! I storm up the stairs and just want to go to bed!!

I really need the toilet so I dash to the bathroom before my bladder explodes on the floor. The satisfaction of pissing when you've needed to go for like hours is just amazing. I come out of Ye bathroom feeling refreshed and smelling the vanilla soap on my hands. I see both Theo and Justin leaning against the wall and their eyes immediately look at me. I stare at the two wondering what is going on.

"So what is this?" I say gesturing to all of us standing here. They just smirk and shake their heads.

"Well I'm tired so can I go to bed now?"

"No." they reply simultaneously. Why not? These boys frustrate like you have no idea!

"Well I don't take no for an answer so move your pretty little asses out of my way." I say confidently while trying to strut past them but their hard chests bump me backwards. I brush myself off and stand back up and I'm about to go fro round two.

"We are invincible no chance!" They both laugh. Wow I really hate them! No I love them! Oh god I hate that I love them!

"Invincible huh?" I say with a grin. " Are you sure?" They nod and without warning I charge at Justin who topples into Theo causing a domino effect and I dart for my room. I leap towards it and I reach the handle and unlock it. It won't unlock! I stop scared shitless when I feel a slap on my rear. Ow that hurt!!! Bastard. I turn around to see they are both there with evil looks on their faces, I'm glad their friends but they ant take things out on me!! This is bullying! Targeting an individual is uncalled for! Could I run and get away this time? Twenty dollars says I can. And with that I sprinted to find I wasn't actually moving, he was holding me back as I ran on the spot. Wow.

This is why I love him.

Kidnapped by a drug dealer✔️COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now