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I think we need to go back in time, before bad boy Jackson broke into Emma's house, how they met...


I walk fast down the hallway as to not be late for history. I'm always late for first period. The bell for history went off and I'm still not there yet. Im at the complete opposite side to the school. I start to pick up my pace when I bum into a walk and fall to the floor. I look up and rub my head, I must be seeing things. It's Jackson. MY CRUSH JACKSON!! I BUMPED INTO MY CRUSH JACKSON OMG!!! I stare into his eyes gob smacked and close them right, opening then again. He's still here. He starts to laugh at me and I just frown. I've just been embarrassed. I pout as I pull myself from the dusty school floor and walk past him as if he didn't exist. His voice makes me jump.

"Hey wait up there dopey." He laughs and I can feel him behind me.

"If you would excuse me I'm late." I say abruptly and carry on walking down the hall. I feel a tap on my shoulder but I don't stop. I know it's him.

"Emma." He says as he taps me again and again, how does he even know my name. With one more Emma it brings me over the edge.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ALREADY!!!" I turn around and he has his hands up in surrender.

"History is over there I'm there too so where are you going" he laughs again and I do what I do best, I bitch slap him.

"What was that for dopey." He says fake pouting and then I wack him with my book before storming to history and then I hear the bell go. FOR FUCK SAKE.

Kidnapped by a drug dealer✔️COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now