Chapter 3

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'Hyung who is this!?'

'Sssshhhhh! It's Bora noona's friend, Jisoo.'

'Ohhhhh the girl who was running around while we got ready? I thought she was just new.'

'Should we wake her up?'

'She's probably already awake cause you guys are so loud.'

Hushed voices flooded my senses as I slowly slipped out of my sleep. I opened my eyes, blinking as they adjusted to the bright room. To my surprise all 7 of them were around the couch staring at me, I quickly sat up wide eyed.

'Uh, um sorry, I just um fell a-asleep.' Stuttering my voice got quieter at the end of the sentence.

'Your Bora's friend?' J-Hope asked. I looked up and nodded noticing their warm smiles and Jungkook's shook expression. (;

'I hope you don't mind me being here I promise I wont be a bother.'  Wanting to make a good impression I tried to be as polite as possible.

'Don't worry, we don't mind.' Jin said as he sat down along with the rest of them. I felt my ears burning up as I saw them all settle in chairs. This was a sign of conversation, living alone most of my life didn't really help with improving my conversation skills. This is going to be hard.

'Are you an ARMY?' V asked. Again I nodded not knowing what else to say. 'Oh cool, so you already know us all I guess'. Once again I nodded feeling the tension in the air. Luckily there was a knock on the door and Bora walked in just in time. Thank god save me from this awkwardness! She was holding 2 bags of take out food, looking slightly surprised when we locked eyes.

'FOOD!' Jin jumped up from his seat and headed toward Bora.

'Hey, Jin you have to share!' Jimin said getting up after Jin to help Bora with the bags. Bora laughed at Jimin's comment glancing at me. I stared intensely at her pleading with my eyes to stay, mouthing pleas through clenched teeth. She scoffed at my expression,

'Well, enjoy the food I'll be going now!' Bora said cheerfully before winking at me and quickly leaving. Seriously?! She ditched me. I sighed nervously, turning my head back to the table.

The members had already distributed the food on the couch and tables. Deciding I might as well enjoy the food since I haven't eaten anything today. Clapping my hands silently to myself I stared eagerly at all the food. Before anyone had started eating Rapmon asked,

'So Jisoo, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?'

'Yah! Don't be rude.' Jin pointed out.

I smiled shaking my hands in front of me 'It's ok, I'm turning 21 this Thursday.'

'Ohhhh, so you must be in college.' Rapmon added. Everyone had begun eating already except rapmon and I felt a little bad, he must feel pressured to keep talking to me.

'No actually after I graduated high school I took a year off to work and make some money. After summer break I figured I was well off and didn't bother returning to college.' This was mostly true, if I go to college I would have to move and dorm on campus, and of course there were the Wisps to worry about and the Wednesday morphs. No stop thinking about it Jisoo, you're on vacation, relax!

'Oh you work?' Jimin looked up from his food after hearing about my plans. Rapmon who had started eating also looked up along with the other members. Their stares made me nervous but I was still really exited, Im talking to BTS!

'Yeah, I sell my art online, as prints and to galleries.' I don't often talk about my job so it was a little hard to explain.

'Woooow, that's so cool!' V and Jungkook said at the same time. The members followed with oohs and aahs. I laughed at their synchronized reaction, picking up a container of fried rice and a spoon.

'My job isn't as cool as yours though, I mean Jungkook was famous at 17.' I was starting to feel more comfortable now, talking openly as we chatted and ate.

'Sure but, at least you finished high school.'  V joked, at this comment all the members burst out laughing, I had to cover my mouth to stifle my laughter.

'Hey!' Jungkook shouted at V. I couldn't help but laugh, enjoying myself for the first time in a while. We talked and laughed for hours till all the food was gone. I had gotten quite close to them already which made me very happy:) But, the whole time Yoongi hadn't said anything and I couldn't help but be upset since he was my bias. I tried to shake it off, figuring he was probably just tired.

 It was getting late and Bora had texted me and sent me the address to her apartment since she had left early. Just as I was going to get up to leave J-Hope said

'Jisoo, you should audition to be an idol!' J-Hope's comment caught everyone by surprise, I looked at him, my eyes wide. 'I mean, your pretty and you have great personality, with training you could become an idol!' 

'W-What?' I shook my head feeling a blush fighting to show up. J-Hope just called me...pretty?

'OOOOOOOOHHH! J-HOPE LIKES JISOO!' Taehyung shouted giving a wide square smile. The members rioted getting up to attack J-Hope, slapping his back and laughing. I brushed off the comment joining in on the laughter.

'I think Jisoo could be an idol too...'  

I whipped my head around, did someone say something? I could've sworn I heard someone say... My eyes landed on Yoongi. Making a split second of eye contact he quickly turned his head away and joined the other members who hadn't heard what I heard. I frowned slightly staring at Yoongi, my brows furrowed. Didn't he just say.... my snowins hearing has never been wrong before... I shook my head, don't think about it Jisoo. The other members had stopped hitting J-Hope sitting back down still smiling from the aftermath of the joke. J-Hope was rubbing his head glaring at the members with a small grin on his face. 

'Uh, Bora texted. I should head to her house now! I had a good time today, thank you, I hope we can see each other again.' I got up and bowed smiling brightly. 

'Oh your leaving.' Jungkook said in a sad voice. The members had got up, also noticing how late it was. 

'I'll be here tomorrow if Bora has work, which I'm sure she does.' I said reassuringly. With that we said our goodbyes and I headed out. Jin had offered to drive me home but I refused not wanting to burden them. Heading out of the building I was greeting by the heat of summer. Even though it was quite late the July weather showed no mercy. There were lights on everywhere, the city of Seoul was beautiful at night. I admired the lights and signs as I made my way home. The memories of my first meeting with BTS floated to my mind making me smile to myself. I could definitely survive a week of this.

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