Chapter 33

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Sunday: Day 2 at Jisoo's house

I woke up when I felt shifting besides me, I tried to open my eyes but the brightness of the room blinded me.

'Hrrrmmmmm...' I groaned, covering my face with my hands. I blinked away the blinding whiteness, meeting Yoongi's stare. I gasped, he was so close! 'Y-Yoongi?' I mumbled still rubbing sleep from my eyes.

'Sorry, did I wake you?' Yoongi asked, worried. I mumbled and shook my head. I looked around realizing that I was held tightly In Yoongi's embrace.

'How long were you awake?' I murmured,

'Um, a while now I guess.' Yoongi replied. I stared at him wide-eyed.

'And you just lay here staring at me?' I said rather louder than I intended. Yoongi laughed and pulled me in so my head rested on his chest.

'Uh huh, I took pictures too. You're very cute when your sleeping.' He said, the smirk practically obvious in his tone. I blushed thinking of him staring at me as I slept.

'Weirdo.' I mumbled into his shirt. 'I'm hungry.' I said, lifting my head off his chest and leaning my head back to look up at him. 'Come on let go, I have to make breakfast.' I hit his chest lightly, only to feel his arms tighten even more around me.

'Just a little longer.' He mumbled into my hair. I rolled my eyes at how silly he was being, but stayed still in his arms anyway. I lay there facing his chest, my arms folded up so my hands lay on his chest as well. His arms still wrapped around me and his chin rested on top on my head. I lightly traced circles with my finger on his chest, listening to his soft breathing. With one last squeeze Yoongi released me from his arms and sat up. I smiled and sat up too, stretching my arms and toes.

'I'm thinking pancakes and fruits for breakfast?' I suggested, standing up. Yoongi nodded and got up too, following me down the stairs.

I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changing into black shorts and a plain grey T-shirt. Tip toeing into the living room, I saw Jimin, J-Hope and Rapmon passed out asleep, sprawled out on the floor and the couch. I opened the fridge and began making lots of pancake batter.

6 pancakes later the members began waking up and bustling around the house, taking turns using the bathroom. The members who were done getting ready came to help make breakfast. Jin cut up some oranges and other various fruits to make a big bowl of fruit salad. I continued to stack pancakes onto a plate, making extra in case anyone wanted more later.

Soon everyone was gathered at the table, eating and chatting happily.

'So, what are you guys doing today?' I asked them after explaining that I would be working for most of the day.

'Well what is there around town?' Jin asked

'Um, well the school, the lake but we planned on going to that at sunset. And um the rice fields? I'm sorry, the town's not too exciting.' I apologized, feeling bad that I had no activities planned.

'I want to see a rice field!' V shouted through a mouthful of pancake.

'Don't apologize, I'm sure theres loads to do, or we could just hang around at your house, play in the yard.' Rapmon said, getting nods of approval from the others.

'But I'm still tired from traveling so much yesterday, could we just stay here.' Yoongi whined.

'Me too, we could see the rice fields another day, we should just rest today.' Jin seconded.

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