Chapter 7

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After I finished helping Bora and the other makeup artists set up their makeup bags in the cabin's living room I went outside. Everyone was still getting ready inside, BTS was getting their makeup and clothes done, the camera crew was setting up so now I was left to wander alone. Plopping myself down in the field of grass I took out my sketchbook. Glad I had packed some colored pens, I doodled some of the flowers that were around me. 

I had sat there for at least 15 minutes now and was extremely bored having drawn all the flowers around me. I picked up a flower that had broke off and gathered my things back into my bag. The members are probably done with makeup already, but I didn't want to disturb them. Wandering to the forest edge, I looked between two trees. There wasn't a path but the trees were spaced enough to walk through. I stepped over a tree root and entered the trees' shade. Twirling the flower I had picked up between my fingers I wandered deeper into the forest. I looked behind me to check if I could still see the cabin. Though it was far, I could still see it. Leaning up against a tree I looked around. The roots were more wild and tangled in this area and the leaves were dense. I stared up at the leaves and the light peeking in between the gaps. The trees were tall but the branches started pretty close to the ground. I stood on my tippi toes and extended my arm up. I was able to reach the branch and grip my fingers over it. 

'Help!' I whipped my head around. I had heard someone, something yell for help. It didn't seem like they were far either. 'Help!' This time I heard it clearer, and it sounded as if it came from above. Walking away from the tree I craned my neck back, swiveling around on the spot, my eyes dancing from tree to tree. Thats when I spotted it, my eyes stopped on a striped grey cat clinging to a branch about 15 feet above the ground. I hesitated, I had heard a human though, cats can't say help. I looked around not seeing anyone who could have spoken. I looked back to the cat. If it wasn't my birthday week this would be normal, I would be able to understand animals perfectly fine, but...I was suppose to be human this week. No magic, no animal communication abilities. Before I could continue debating about it the cat yelped 'Help!'. My eyes widened, was I dreaming? I rubbed my eyes and looked back up. The cat was still there yelping 'help' over and over. 

'Crap crap crap crap!' I hopped from foot to foot debating what to do. 'Jesus flipping- aaaargh!' 

Dropping my bag on the floor I sped to the tree the cat was clinging to. Curse my good conscience! This cat was terrified, I had to help it now or the guilt would eat away at me, I'll think about the whole animal communication thing later. Pushing the fleeting stress away to the back of my mind, I stretched my legs and shook out my hands, my eyes locked on the nearest branch. Before I could chicken out I jumped up and grabbed onto the branch. This branch was higher than the one I had tested before, leaving my feet dangling above the floor. I pulled myself up and onto the branch. I looked up, spotting the cat 3 branches away. The next branch was even higher, I had to grip to the trunk's bark to pull myself up. Exhausted I looked up to check on the cat. Still yelping it spotted me. 

'HELP ME!' It squealed. Ignoring how I could still understand it I gave it a reassuring nod and reached for the next branch. Pulling myself up I put my foot on the side of the tree. My foot slipped on the bark making me loosen my grip. Grunting in pain I pulled myself up again and sat on the branch. Breathing heavily I looked at my hands. They were scratched and red as were my thighs and arms. Brushing the pain away I stood up and reached for the branch the cat was on. 

Successfully getting up on the branch I sat with my legs wrapped round the branch. Now that I was closer I saw that this cat wasn't a cat at all, it was just a kitten. Slowly shuffling toward the baby kitten I felt the branch start to lean downward under my weight. 

'Come closer! Please!' I motioned my hand to the kitten. Seeing the expression on the it's face I could tell he understood me as well. Confused and terrified, it refused to move. 'Come on! Please!' I scooted forward a bit more freezing after hearing the strain of the branch. Leaning forward, I pressed my chest against the branch and extended my arm. My fingers brushed against the kitten's whiskers. 'Come...on..' I strained to reach further. The kitten sniffed my fingers and edged a bit closer to me, clearly terrified by the whole situation. Closer and closer it scooted, I patiently waited till I could touch its ears. Stretching my arm a little further, I could hear the branch straining. Panicking I decided to risk it, taking one swift lunge I grabbed the kitten round its middle and brought it to my chest. My abrupt movement shook the branch, slipping I felt my body tip over the side of the branch. Hugging the tiny kitten to my chest I thrust my arm out to grab at a branch. Feeling the back of my hand scrape against the rough bark I winced. Falling, I saw my hair flying up from under me, my legs extended and the light peeking through the leaves of the tree. I shut my eyes, hugging the kitten closer to my chest. The fall seemed so long, like I was falling in slow motion. Expecting the rough dirt floor and hardness of the roots when I would collide with the floor I was shocked for it not to come. Instead, I felt collision with something softer, warmer. It still hurt, the shock spreading through my body making every bone and muscle ache. The warmth that had caught me grunted when I collided. Feeling arms wrap around me, I fought to open my eyes, seeing a familiar face and voice calling my name before passing out.

Yoongi POV

After getting my makeup done I wandered outside. During the car ride here, I couldn't stop thinking about how cowardly I've been with Jisoo. Maybe I should try talking to her, it'll be better than avoiding her forever. I sighed, regretting how I started our "relationship". Looking around I saw Jisoo walk into the forest. 

What's she doing? I watched as she walked deeper and deeper. Scared she would get lost I headed toward the trees as well. Stopping at the first tree, I squinted to see her. Though she was far and I could still make out Jisoo standing against a tree trying to reach it's branches. I chuckled at her childish behavior remembering her similar goofiness at Bora's apartment. As I watched, Jisoo started to turn around and around on the spot, searching for...something. I squinted to see her better. 'What...?' I watched as she dropped her bag and began stretching. I shrugged and was about to turn away when out of the corner of my eye I saw her jump and climb up onto the tree branch. I panicked slightly, but changed my mind thinking she was probably just climbing the tree for fun and would stop at the first branch. I leaned my shoulder up against the tree trunk and crossed my arms relaxing. 

Instead of stopping, she kept going up, I straightened up from my stance and squinted. After a minute she had gotten dangerously high, I panicked and stepped into the trees shade. Not sure what she was doing, I slowly walked. But then when she had gotten about 9 feet above the ground and was climbing to the next, I saw her slip slightly. Fastening my pace I was getting concerned. What was she doing?! I looked higher up at the tree and spotted a tiny grey cat. Was that what she was doing? Saving a cat? By now she had reached the same branch as the cat and was edging closer to it. I broke out in a run when I saw how low the branch was leaning as she scooted. 

'Shit, Jisoo move back! The branch is gonna break!' I was still quite far away as she leaned in to grab the cat. The branch was bending at such a frightening angle now I ran as hard as I could. I swear my heart stopped when I saw her lunge to grab the kitten and the branch wobbled. I pushed my body to run faster than I had ever ran in my life, my eyes widened when I saw her body slowly tip over the edge of the branch. 

'JISOO!' I screamed despite how much my lungs hurt. Only a few feet away from the tree I saw Jisoo's limp body falling, falling to the ground, at a surprisingly slower than normal speed. I got to the tree just as Jisoo came 5 feet from colliding with the floor. I extended my arms and immediately crumpled to the floor when she entered my embrace. My arms ached from the impact but I ignored the pain, shaking Jisoo, I needed to know she was ok. 

'JISOO! JISOO!' I saw her eyes open slightly before shutting again. Her arms and legs were covered in scratches, a tiny grey kitten squeezed to her chest. I lowered my ear to her mouth, letting out a relieved sigh to hear her still breathing. 'Holy shi-...' I squeezed her slightly in my arms and quickly got up. Carrying her bridal style, I limped and stumbled as fast as I could to the cabin. The run there had made me exhausted and the collision made my legs feel limp, but it didn't matter. Jisoo was hurt, that's all that mattered. 

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