Chapter 32

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We fooled around in the yard till 5:00 and everyone started to get hungry. I didn't have any food since I was gone for a week so we took the train back to the town center, leaving Finn home to explore the house. We decided on a Korean Barbecue restaurant that didn't have any other customers, and stayed there for an hour. 

'I'm so full!' 

'Me too, I ate so much!'

'Is that an ice-cream shop?!'


'Lets get ice-cream!'

We explored the town, taking pictures and buying lots of food. I pointed out some of the stores and people I knew, sometimes my neighbors would stop me to chat but once they saw I was with the others they let us continue on our way.

'Guys I need to buy groceries, you can go to the park and then I'll meet you there, or call me if you go somewhere else.' I offered, we couldn't keep taking the train into town for every meal, I needed to get some food to cook. But I didn't want to drag them along, grocery shopping is not the most exciting activity. 

'I'll come with you.' Yoongi said taking my hand in his. 

'No it's fine, go have fun.' I protested

'I want to come with you.'  Yoongi said sternly, leaning down to stare at me closer.

'O-ok.' I stuttered, flustered by how close his face was. The others quickly bid goodbye and ran off to the park close by. 'Uh, the supermarket's this way.' I said, pointing in the opposite direction. Yoongi nodded and let me lead us to the market. 

The supermarket was quiet large since it was the only one in town, it had everything you could ever want to eat. I wheeled out a shopping cart and and headed to the fresh produce aisle. Yoongi followed behind me, occasionally picking things up. 

'You can get whatever you want, and whatever you know the others like.' I said, noticing how he kept picking things up. When I said this Yoongi's head perked up from what he was holding, I raised an eyebrow, curious about what was in his hand. Yoongi raised a box of cookies and smiled widely. I laughed and put the cookies into the cart. Maybe I should make noodles, oh tteokbokki, and more cat food for Finn, I should get that too. 

I gasped when Yoongi came up behind me, his hands placed next to mine on the cart handle. He rested his chin in the crook of my neck.

'Lets get chicken.' Yoongi said happily and started pushing the cart, me still trapped between him and the cart. I blushed the whole way to the refrigerator aisle, very aware of Yoongi's presence. Yoongi proceeded to roll the cart wherever I told him to, still securing me in his arms. 

'Where next?' Yoongi asked after we got some packs of noodles. I scanned the contents of the cart, thinking of what else we would need. Food filled the cart almost to the brim along with other household things. 

'I think this is enough, lets go meet up with the others.' I said, trying to turn my head and look at his face. 

'Ok.' Yoongi said, and finally released me from his hold and instead walked next to me. We rushed over to the cashier and payed for the things. Yoongi insisted on paying since they were the reason we had to buy so much food. I tried protesting but Yoongi ended up paying anyway. We bought so much that each of us had to hold at least 5 bags. Yoongi carried 7 bags and then he insisted on taking more, leaving me with only 4. 

'Are you sure it's not too heavy?' I asked concerned,

'No it's fine, when we meet up with the others we'll have them carry some too.' He said smiling at me. I nodded and kept walking. In the distance I could see the park, the 6 members were running around and faint sounds of shouting and laughing could be heard. 

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