Chapter 23

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Previous Chapter: I placed my hand on the handle and took a deep breath before pushing it open and stepping in. My foot made a loud squishing sound, making Yoongi's head shoot up. I froze staring at him,



The redness of his eyes was painfully noticeable, but I'm sure I didn't look any better. I stepped in completely, closing the door and taking a few steps forward.  Opening my mouth to apologize, I was cut off. Yoongi scrambled out of his seat and ran to me. I staggered back when Yoongi engulfed me in his arms. His face was buried in the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped tightly around me, pushing me to his chest.

'Yoongi! I'm gonna get your shirt wet.' I said tugging at the back of his shirt. He ignored what I said and squeezed me tighter. Finally I gave into his warmth, bringing my arms around his waist and pressing my face into his chest. He seemed to recognize my acceptance and loosened his grip. I took in his scent and familiar security of his arms. I smiled into the fabric of his shirt, clutching him to me.

'Don't- ever leave me again.' Yoongi said firmly into my ear. I nodded without hesitation, knowing I would never be able to. 

'I'm sorry.' I whispered into his chest. He snuggled his face further into my neck and rubbed my back with one hand, the other one playing with my hair. I was relieved to be back in his arms, to feel his warmth and hear his voice. To know I was safe and happy when I was home. I cried again, mostly out of happiness to be with Yoongi, but also still remembering the whole reason I was in this situation. 

'Please don't cry.' Yoongi whispered, hearing my sniffles. When I didn't stop he pulled away holding me by my shoulders. I hid my face but he cupped his hands over my cheeks and tilted it up so he could look at me clearly. I tried to pull my face away, knowing I looked like a dripping wet mess. But he held on firmly, determined. I eventually looked him in the eyes, seeing his expression soften as he wiped at my eyes. 'Do you want to tell me what happened?' He asked softly, I shook my head slightly, grateful he gave me a choice. He sighed sadly but then smiled. 'Alright...' I pulled away from his hands and hugged him tightly. Yoongi seemed taken aback at first but happily hugged back. 

We stood there hugging for a while before Yoongi pulled away again.

'Jisoo...' He said shyly holding both my hands. 


He looked down at the floor, taking quick peeks at me. I raised my brow in confusion, what was he doing? 

'Jisoo I..I don't know if you feel the same. I hope you feel the same otherwise this would be very embarrassing but',  Yoongi started. My eyes widen, was he confessing? I saw him blush slightly at my reaction before continuing. 'I love being around you, and seeing you smile and laugh. I look forward to your visits and texts, it makes me happy, and nervous but mostly happy. And it breaks my heart to see you cry...'

'Jisoo I-'  My emotions took over, I took a quick stride closer and stood up on my tippi toes and kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet, but loving. I pulled away and landed back on my heels, regaining my senses. Oh my god what did I just do?! I blushed deep red,

'Yoongi, I'm so sorry I-' But this time Yoongi gently cupped my face and bent down to kiss me. My eyes widened, my heart beating frantically. He's... kissing me...

I soon melting under his touch closing my eyes and kissing back. His lips were soft and gentle, making sure to not hurt me. He stepped forward, closing the space between us. I brought my hands up to clutch at the fabric on his chest, his arms wrapping around my waist. I felt his lips curl up in a smile against mine making my heart flutter. My cheeks were heating up, my heart celebrating in my chest, sending waves of happiness through me. Slowly we both pulled away, still holding on to each other. Yoongi bent his head down, to rest his forehead on mine. 

'I love you Jisoo.'

'I love you too Yoongi.' I looked into his eyes to find them already staring at me. I blushed and averted my eyes making Yoongi pout. He dipped down and pecked my cheek quickly making my eyes widen and look up at him.

'Your mine now.' He said grinning happily. 

'I-I..' I was flustered by his words not knowing how to react, as if sensing my struggle he pecked my cheek again and smiled,

'I'm yours too.' 


I told Yoongi briefly that I couldn't go back to Bora's apartment and he gladly requested I go stay at their dorm. The dorm was close by and the rain had turned to a drizzle, still Yoongi insisted on taking an umbrella.

'Yoongi I'm already soaking wet we don't need this umbrella.' I said pointing to the blue umbrella covering us both. 

'Yeah we're going to have to get you changed, you've been in the rain all day. I don't want you to get sick.' He said glancing at me worriedly.

'Aw my sweet Yoongi, I'm not sick don't worry.'  And at that exact moment I sneezed making Yoongi give me a puzzling look.

He chuckled, holding onto my hand and pulling me closer. I smiled, we literally started dating for five minutes and he was already so affectionate.

'Did you eat yet?' 

'Uh....No.' I said sheepishly.

'What? You didn't eat anything?' He turned his head in disbelief.

'I had an apple this morning, but yeah that's it.' He sighed shaking his head,

'Tsk tsk, what would you do without me?' He said jokingly. I laughed stroking his hand with my thumb. All my worries were gone, Yoongi somehow had the power to do that. No matter how upset I was, he always managed to make me happy. I smiled grateful for some one like Yoongi. 

'Oh by the way, I'm going to need $15.'


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