Chapter 6

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Yoongi POV:

Seeing Jisoo acting so comfortably with the other members, especially with Jimin made me...mad. I don't know why, it's not like I own her or anything, I can't control who she's friends with or what she decides. But...I want her to myself..only me, I want to protect her. Does this mean I've fallen for her? Even though I want to talk to her and get to know her like the other members, every time I try...She makes me too nervous. I chicken out before she even notices I'm trying. I wanted to tell her how talented she was, how great her drawings were, how beautiful she was...I wanted to be myself, but every time we made eye contact or even if I looked at her my heart ran a marathon. When Jimin hugged her I couldn't help but glare at him, I'm sure she saw me too but I quickly looked away. 

Our manager entered the room seconds after Jisoo caught me glaring at Jimin. 

'The vans are ready, come on we need to go to the photoshoot.' He motioned for all the members to come. 

'Coming!' Rapmon said and began walking to the door. The other members followed and so did Jisoo. Once outside I saw Jisoo walk over to Bora and two other makeup artists. BTS's van could only fit us and our manager who was driving, so I assumed she would be riding with Bora and some other staff in a separate van. Getting in our van I watched Jisoo from my window, Jungkook walked up to her and began saying something. I couldn't hear what he said but moments later he got into the same van as her. Confused I turned to Jin sitting next to me.

'Hey, where's Jungkook?'

'He said he was going to sit with Jisoo in another van.' Jin said cooly without looking from his phone. I frowned, immediately sad that even Jungkook who is usually uncomfortable around girls is even getting close to Jisoo. I put in my earbuds and listened to my music trying to separate myself from the world.

Jisoo POV:

I walked over to Bora after we all came down to the front of the building. From what I could see, there were quite a few vans mostly filled with staff and camera crew. Bora told me there was 3 extra seats in the back of the van she was going in so I stood outside of the car's door for Bora to get in first. Just as I was about to get in Jungkook jogged up to me.

'Hey! Is there room in your van?' He said smiling. I nodded returning his bright smile. 'Great! could I sit with you?' I gave him a puzzled look, why would he want to sit with me, isn't there room in the BTS van?

'Uh, sure. But do you mind me asking why?' I cautiously said.

'Oh, I just wanted to sit with you so we could talk and stuff.' He scratched the back of his head embarrassed. 

'Oh alright, come on.' I motioned him into the car after me. Sitting side by side in the back row the car began to move. I tensed slightly, I can't remember the last time I rode in a car. I rode my bike to school everyday, and that was two years ago. Plus I hardly ever left the house. Noticing my stiffness Jungkook asked,

'Is everything alright?' I quickly nodded not wanting to have to lie to him. 

'I'm fine.' I smiled and quickly changed the subject. 'Where are we going anyway?'

'I'm not sure exactly where, but it's a cabin somewhere in the woods, we're taking nature pictures for our new album.'

'Oooh! New album! When!?' Despite it all, I was still an ARMY and just like everyone else I anticipated when they would have their comeback.

'Can't tell you that! You'll have to wait like all the other fans.' He smirked. 

'Aw, come on please?! I won't tell.' I clasped my hands together and smiled wide. 

'Ew, stop that, I'm not telling.' I laughed at his comment and leaned against the seat. I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone. Leaning toward the window I opened the camera on my phone. I don't often take pictures back at home since I see the same nature everyday and I've gotten used to it. But now that I was in the city, everything was different and beautiful. 'Watcha taking a picture of?' Jungkook leaned closer too, staring at my phone screen.

'Hm? Oh, I'm just taking some pictures of the buildings, since I've practically lived in the forest my whole life.' He nodded slowly at my comment, letting me flood my camera roll with pictures of skyscrapers and busy streets. 

'What's it like living in the forest?' Jungkook asked. I turned to face him putting away my phone.

'Well it's not really the forest, more the countryside...It's pretty...lonely. And quiet, but it's beautiful and it's all I've really known so I love it. It's my home.' I couldn't help but smile feeling somewhat homesick despite only being away for less that 2 days. 

'That seems nice, sad, but...nice. At least you'll be right at home then at the photoshoot sight.' He smiled. 'You're really easy to talk to you know. No wonder all the members are practically best friends with you now.' 

'Heh, thanks, but...I don't think all the members like me...' I zoned off remembering Yoongi's constant frowning toward me.

'What do you mean?' Jungkook turned his face to stare right at me obviously concerned by what I had said. I debated whether to tell him or not, but decided to tell him to get it off my chest. I looked forward making sure Bora was distracted, and surely she was chatting away with the other makeup artists. Turning back to Jungkook I said,

'Well, I can't help but feel like Yoongi hates me for some reason. He distances him self from me and I even caught him glaring in my direction.' Jungkook frowned and started thinking hard. Most likely trying to recall Yoongi's actions since I arrived.

'I don't think he hates you, but...he has seemed sorta off ever since you showed up.' Jungkook furrowed his brows in deep thought. 'The first day you were here, after we ate together and you left, he disappeared. Then when he finally showed up at the dorm he said he went for a walk and went to bed early. That was really unlike him.'

'I knew something was up, he probably does hate me. I don't even know what I did though. He's even my offense I like all the members.' I frowned.

'Hey don't worry about it, Yoongi's probably just been really tired lately and seemed grumpy. I doubt he hates you.' Jungkook smiled warmly, laughing.

*****A thousand rock-paper-scissors games later*****

The view outside the window was all trees and the road became bumpy as we entered the forest. Jungkook was helping me clean up the juice we spilled on the seat when the car rode over a bump, most likely a big rock.

'I don't think it's coming off!' My voice strained with nervousness not wanting to get in trouble by the staff.

'Don't worry we can take the car to the wash afterwards.' Jungkook said while still rubbing at the stain with a wipe. The car came to stop, I looked up to see a beautiful vintage wooden cabin.

'We're here!' Bora exclaimed, she and the other staff filed out of the van leaving me and Jungkook to stress over the stain. 

'Come on, lets just leave it.' Jungkook stopped rubbing giving up. I put down the wipe too, exhausted. 

'Alright, lets go.' I slid open the door and jumped down onto the dirt, Jungkook following. The cabin was in the middle of a grass and flower field, trees surrounding the area, thickening the deeper it went. The familiar sight and smells made me even more homesick but I pushed the feeling away running to Bora to help her set up.

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