Hide and Seek? I don''t think so..

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Hello (:



Chapter 17:

Dani's Pov:

I open my eyes, and stretch out my arms. Looking around I realize I'm back at the pack house.

I look beside me, not surprised to see Demetri gone, probably doing some pack work.

I go to the bathroom, do my duties, and hop in the shower. The warm water hits my body feeling so great. I wash my body with vanilla and lilacs. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner until its smooth and hop out. I brush my teeth and enter the room. As I walk into the doorway a breeze rushes past me causing the goose bumps to appear all over my body.

I walk into my walk in closet, picking out a pair of black skinny jeans, and one of my grey Nirvana shirts. I slip on a pair of black toms and head downstairs. Heading into the kitchen I see Victor, Bryce, and Maximus digging though the fridge.

"Hey guys," all of their heads turn as I enter the kitchen, Bryce's face covered with a white substance.

"Um, hi dani," Bryce replies looking anywhere but my eyes.

'What did you do to the kitchen," I scream my eyes darting around looking at the filthy kitchen. The guys chuckle as a guilty look crosses his face.

"How- What, Bryce," was all I managed to say.

"Well you see, Bryce here thought it'd be a good idea to try making pancakes on his own, and turned up the mixing machine thingy a little too high," explained Maximus and Victor.

I face palm myself," Clean the kitchen and next time you're hungry just ask, okay," I tell an embarrassed Bryce.

"Now clean." I say in a commanding tone, which gets the attention of Bryce as he grabs a mop and a pail. He mumbles a few words that don't pass my ears.

"What was that," I say.

"Nothing Luna," He quickly responds working faster. I come back a while later to find the kitchen clean and a pooped out Bryce.

"Move," I shove him aside as I take out the ingredients to make a good lunch. As I finish almost everyone in the pack house is downstairs with watering mouths.

I lay the last plate on the table," Dig in everyone," I yell.

Just as I finish my sentence everyone is dishing a plate. Once they're done I grab myself a plate.

"OMG," Brenna moans, " this, is soooo good!!"

As everyone finishes, Victoria and Brenna help me finish cleaning dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

After we're done I realize, I haven't seen Demetri all afternoon.

I pull Bryce aside from a sluty looking girl, who looks pretty pissed and annoyed.

"Dani-" I cut him off.

"Where is Demetri?"

"He's doing pack business with Darius, now can I go," he says exasperatedly.

I let him go as I go to Demetri's office. I walk in and find no one.

'Hmmm, where could he be?'

'Hide and seek,' my wolf suggests his whereabouts.

'Don't think so,' I reply

Eventually I give up feeling very frustrated. I crash on my bed and close my eyes completely exhausted.

'Demetri, where are you?'











Well I know this wasn't very long but I hope you liked the update.

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