Egg man

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Ok so I dont plan on doing any more author notes unless its really important because people always skip then anyways.. Soo ya.

Hope you like<3

Chapter 20:

Dani's pov:

I open my eyes to find a bright white light.

"Am I dead," I ask I scrunch my brows.

"No, not yet at least.." An ominous voice I recognize somehow. Now if my memory weren't that bad...

"Who is that," my eyes are squinting trying to see past the ligh, I try to lift my hand to block the light to see its stuck.

"What the.. Why am I stuck like this," I struggle against the bed I'm strapped to.

"LET ME GO," I try to make it sound like an order but I hear my voice quiver in fear.

I soon see a figure step out from the shadows. My eyes meet an aquamarine pair.

Those eyes are very familiar...

Why can't I remember anything..?

Why can't I focus on anything..?

"You will be here for a while Danielle," the voice says again.

"Who are you," I yell. No one responds instead they retreat into an open door.

Soon another person enters the room, holding a tray.

He's big and bald, and very tall. He reminds me of the egg man from sonic with his mustache.

He unstraps me from the bed.

"You better not try to run, cos if you do I will be forced to hit you. You don't want that now do you," his big meaty sausage fingers caress my cheek.

I turn my head away from him,"Please get your sausages out of my face."

He laughs and smacks my face, tears instantly filling my vision.

"Don't-Don't touch me you-you egg head," I say nudging my head away.

"Listen here bitch, I'll do whatever I want whenever I want," egg head says.

"Now eat this," he throws somethin that looks like porridge my way.

"I'm not hungry," I say.

"Eat it or I'll force you," he says. I don't move.

"NOW." He yells in my face.

I grab the spoon and eat the stuff.

"That's right, eat every last bit til it's all gone," he sneers.

Once I'm done I throw the bowl and spoon,"there you happy?"

Which results in another slap to the face.

"We really gotta control that mouth on ya," he says walking out of the room.

When he leaves I walk around the small room. Sydney my vision goes blurry.

"What's happe-hap happening to mee," I slurr.

'There must've been something in that food,' my wolf says.

The last thing I say before I pass out is Demetri.


I wake up a few hours later back in the bed, still in that horrid room. I let out a loud groan.

"Why me.." I mumble under my breath.

Suddenly a door opens, and in walks.. Darius.

"Darius," I say in shock. He lets a smirk run across his features.

"Oh so your memory is coming back huh?" He says with a glint in his eye.

Suddnely I remember. I was bathing in the lake, be came out of the bushes...

Oh my lord.. He's evil!

'No really..' My wolf states.

"You're the bad guy! I knew it all along.." I say.

"Oh so you finally figured it out? It's a little late for that Danielle. No ones coming. It's almost full moon. If your mate really cared you'd be safe in his arms-"

No no no.

"You'd be all safe and sound right? Well where is your night in shining armor?"

"He's coming, he will. He's just really slow because.. Because-"

"Because he's not coming. It's a full moon tonight and if he isn't here by then.. Well lets just say it won't be good." He finishes.

Oh god.. I dont do this mcb but, Please moon goddess. I'm asking for a miracle.

Darius leave the room chuckling under his breath.


Demetris pov:

It's been forever since I've last seen my love Dani. I don't know where she could've gone but when I find her ill never let her go.

I twiddle the little velvet box in my hand.

"Listen up men, we will find my mate if its the last thing I do. We will search forever if we have to. I want a group of men on the edge of our territory and my main men will follow me throughout the woodland area. Any questions," I ask out loud.

"No alpha," they all respond.

"Good, NOW MOVE OUT," I yell loudly.

Everyone leaves through the front opt of the pack house shifting into their wolves.

I shift into my black wolf leading a group of my men.

'Im coming Dani. Just wait..'

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