Flirt~ 3 Playing with Fire

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I took a quick shower and quickly threw on a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. The moment I stepped foot out of that bathroom was when I began plotting ways to get my revenge on Daniel. Kenny had gone home, it was only noon and my brain was already boiling with tons of different ways to play my new game with him. I called it, "Operation: Flirt Back". He was definitely not getting away with that stunt he pulled earlier today. 

I didn't even know why I let him touch me like that, anyway! He had absolutely no right coming into contact with my face at all. Though, it made me feel weird inside for some reason. Like, I couldn't tell if I had liked it or not because I was way too flustered by his sudden action that I didn't have time to register my emotions. But still, that jerk-face needed an ego check! 

"If I wanted you," he lifted his index finger to my face and trailed it down my cheek, sending an unusual electric spark to shoot throughout my body, "I could have you." 

Ugh, no, he could not have me. I didn't have time for people like him. He just was not worth my time. Only Kenny was. Kendall was my boyfriend, my knight in shining armor! Not to mention that he was probably the best in bed than any of my exes. Like, no other guy I had been with had a ding-a-ling the size of his. And man could he kiss...wait! 

I had an idea! Since Danny thought he could tease me and get me worked up, what if I took it upon myself to do the exact same thing?! I'll be so smooth, he wouldn't see it coming. That'd make him think twice about messing with the amazing Alex Moore! It was the perfect idea! 

With my flawless plan at hand, I hurriedly ran out of my room and downstairs, into the living room. Luckily, Daniel was there as well, watching TV and sitting on the couch with Felicia tucked under his right arm. Ugh, what a gross sicko. How can he have my cousin so close to him, yet be able to unabashedly toy with me. 

I would have told Felicia what he did right then and there, but that would ruin my plot of revenge on her boyfriend. So, I decided to keep my evil plot to myself for the moment. 

This will go perfectly, I thought to myself. I just need a reason to get us alone. 

And then it dawned on me. The guest room hadn't been done! I still needed to finish painting it. I could ambush him and pour paint all over his body. What a perfect plan! I didn't know what it had to do with flirting back, but I loved it anyway. He'll be embarrassed and as blue as his stupid, vividly blue eyes! 

I chuckled evilly to myself and slowly made my way behind the two. 

"Hey, babe, I'm going to go take a shower, okay?" Felicia told Daniel. She kissed his cheek lightly and stood up. As soon as she turned around and saw me she screamed bloody murder, clutching her chest. "Oh my God, Alex! You scared the living hell out of me!" 

I laughed and smiled cutely at her, faking innocence. "I'm sorry, Fefe," I said, "I was coming to say hi as soon as I saw you guys." 

Her eyes softened and she grinned at me. "Damn, if you weren't so cute you probably wouldn't get away with most of the things you do, you conniving little monster. I'm going to take a shower so, see you guys in a bit." 

I sure was a conniving little monster... 

Daniel turned and watched as Felicia walked upstairs. He smirked devilishly at me as soon as she was out of sight. "She's right. Damn, if you weren't cute. But you are." His lips curled into an even more cunning smirk. "You're really cute." 

My heart raced at his stupid words and my palms suddenly got sweaty. Why did he insist on toying around with me? If anything, he should have been cowering away from me, because I was going to ruin him. 

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