Flirt~ 10 Angelo Lombardi

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The steady ticking rhythm of the grandfather clock that resided next to the television was the only sound I could hear. Had it been ticking louder and faster, it would match the constant pounding of my heart. I was still in a daze from the amazing kiss I shared with Daniel.

My mind was bursting with numerous questions and potential answers, trying to come to a conclusion for my feelings. Was everything I felt with him real? Were these intangible emotions that stirred my brain more than what they seemed?

The answer was on the tip of my tongue. I could easily let it slide out of my mouth. One simple word that answered the question that dominated my mind. The word could crumble walls that were once indestructible and sever emotional ties with those who were extremely close, but could also open new doors and allow a new chapter in my life to be accessed. All I had to do was answer the question. But was I ready to embrace the truth?

God knows how hard I tried to keep my relationship with Kenny as powerful as a titanium wall, but eventually things change. We were falling apart, and we both knew it. Slowly but surely, Kenny and I were drifting further and further into an abyss of separation.

I sat up on the couch I was lying on and sighed deeply. My head was starting to hurt from all of the thinking going on in my head. If Daniel and Felicia didn't hurry and come out of the guest room, I would go crazy. They had been talking ever since the clock read 4:30 P.M., and it was now 5:15.

I sighed impatiently and made my way into the kitchen. I can still taste him, I thought to myself. The sweet flavor of his mouth still lingered on my taste buds, reminding me of my horrible sin. Guilt slowly boiled in the depths of my soul when the images of Daniel's lips mashed against mine surfaced in my head.

I could have easily blamed Daniel and say that he initiated the kiss. I could say he pushed his lips on my own and forced me to give in. I could easily convince myself that it was all true - but that wasn't the truth. The real truth - the devastatingly painful, heart wrenching, mind crumbling truth - was so simple. I kissed him. He was the vulnerable one in this situation, not me. And as much as it hurt me to admit, I enjoyed every second of our contact.

"What is wrong with me?" I muttered to myself. Within a week, my life took an  enormous twist and I couldn't tell if it were a good change or not.

I slowly dragged myself up to my room where I could chill out, maybe even rest my mind. If I had someone to talk to, maybe things would be much easier. But who could I get advice from? My parents would freak out, Felicia and Kenny... well that's like asking to jump into a lake of fire, and I love my besties but, they were never good with advice. Who could I go to?

Suddenly, the image of someone... of him quickly flashed in my mind. Oh shit, not him; not that guy. Why did he even cross my mind? I stopped all communication with him long ago, and I didn't plan on talking now.

"If you ever need me, I'll be there for you. No matter what."

My heart tightened when his words echoed in my head - the last words he spoke to me before I left. If he really meant it, why hadn't he called to check up on me? It was as if he was avoiding me.

No, that's crazy. It was I who was doing the avoiding. Every time I saw him in the school halls, I would dash like a mad man before he could notice me. My heart still hadn't healed from our break up.

But he can help you.

But even if he could, would my aching heart get in the way of what was happening now? I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. He always helped me whenever I needed it, but would he help me with what was going on with my problematic love triangle?

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