Flirt~ 20 Climax of the Night [END]

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Part of me felt relieved to hear Kenny's voice, to have a bit of clarity as to how he was. The other part was scared. What would happen once we left that barn? Was he in the right mindset? There was only one way to find out.

"C'mon, Nick," I said, "let's get out of here. Kenny's right outside and wants to see us."

Nick strolled next to me as I turned to get the hell out of that creepy ass barn. There wasn't a killer in there after all, actually, nothing was in that place aside from me and Nick. I guess I overreacted just a tad bit, like I always did. But everyone loves me for who I am, so it didn't matter if I was overly or not.

"So, are you sure you're ready to meet him?" Nick asked me as we approached the busted-up double doors.

"Hell yes, Nick. I want to see my baby," I told him. "He could have been mugged by a Big Bird!"

Just the thought of that terrifying demon bird attacking Kenny sent chills down my spine. Who in the hell even came up with the idea for a giant, yellow bird? They really need some mental help, because birds shouldn't be that huge. It's against the laws of nature. I should know, I've picked up a stick before. I know nature like the back of my hand.

"Alex, what in God's name goes on in that brain of yours?" Nick questioned, laughing. "You come up with the craziest scenarios!"

"What are you talking about?" I exclaimed, waving my hands around for dramatic effect. "Big Bird is a demon! Everyone should fear it; it's a gigantic bird that beats up people's boyfriends!"

I don't know why I was so energetic. It might have been because I was so close to seeing my baby after what seemed like forever--no, it was because I was going to see my baby. Being without Kenny was like...Beyonce without Jay-Z, it just wasn't right. The world is a better place with me and him together.

Fresh air's sweet smell greeted us as we made it outside. It was still pretty dark, but the moonlight helped make things a little brighter. The area around us was so calm, so peaceful--and desolate. Where was Kenny?

I made an 'o' with my hands and called out my boyfriend's name. To my dismay, I didn't get a reply back. Didn't he say he was right outside that fucking barn? Why did he say that if he actually wasn't there--

"Hey, Alex," I heard Kenny say in the distance.

Everything stopped, including me and Nick. It even felt like my heart stopped for a brief moment. My eyes locked in his direction as the fresh, crisp night air drove past us silently in a swift drift, and... I could suddenly breathe again.

Hearing his voice as clear as day almost brought tears to my eyes. I squinted and from far away was able to make out a manly figure. Immediately, I knew it was Kenny. 

Who else would be standing out here in the middle of the night? 

Exactly, nobody.

"Kenny!" I screamed, forgetting about Nick and rushing up to Kendall. Finally, I was able to be reunited with the love of my odd little life! Nothing could ruin the amount of happiness that was brewing in my tummy.

As I neared him, there wasn't a smile on his face. As a matter of fact, there wasn't any kind of joyous expression showing on his features, but that didn't stop me from running to him, my arms wide for a big hug.

But he stopped me.

I let out a slight 'oof' noise when Kenny palmed my chest, halting my quick movements. What... What happened? I thought he was happy to see me. I... I thought we'd be together again.

", what's the matter with you?" I questioned, rubbing my chest.

His face was flushed, and he looked completely upset. "Alex...I came here to be alone, okay?" he told me. "I came here to sort out my thoughts while being away from you."

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