Flirt~ 18 Baby Come Back

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My heart beat in my chest as I waited for my boyfriend's reaction. His face was blank, as blank as Kristen Stewart's expression in every Twilight movie. He didn't move, didn't speak, nor did he blink. What was going through his mind right then?

I finally mustered enough courage to confess my wrongdoing to Kenny. It wasn't anything I was totally confident in doing. As a matter of fact, telling him I cheated was scarier than those horrid nightmares I had almost every night.

Speaking of which, I needed to tell Felicia and my parents about that.

Kenny shuffled a bit in his chair. The look on his face was still unreadable. I was sitting across from him, my hands clasped and lying in front of me. How was he feeling? What was he feeling? Did he hate me?

I didn't know because his face was still a blank canvas.

"I... Alex, I think I'm going to go," he said quietly, standing up.

I watched in horror as my boyfriend walked out of the kitchen and out of the front door. The sound of the door slamming was like a bomb going off to my ears - a devastatingly loud atomic bomb. Soon after, the sound of a car starting and driving away echoed through the neighborhood.

He left. Without any other words, Kendall left. I couldn't move, I could barely breathe. Everything was slowly spinning around me. Was this it? Was Kenny going to end it all right then and there?

Silent tears formed in the corners of my eyes. He left me, he actually left me. I even explained how I was taken advantage of by Daniel, yet he still left.

He hated me - Kendall Michael Prescott hated my guts, and I was to blame for it. Who else's fault could it have been besides mine? Cheating on him and seemingly feeling a strong attraction for someone who wasn't my boyfriend resulted in that. Chasing after him would be useless. Kenny wasn't pleasant when he's mad, so I chose to wallow in my own filthy guilt. I deserved to be hated as much as my boyfriend hated me.

I guess I should start saying ex-boyfriend now.

My lip began to quiver. So this was what it felt like to lose something important. My heart ached, my eyes brimmed with unshed tears and I couldn't speak. Everything was in so much pain, I couldn't bear it.

This is all your fault, Alexander, my asshole of a conscience said, making my dumb ass feel even more guilty. I could have just crawled up in a hole a laid there until my body withered away and became something that resembles Madonna's crusty wrinkles.

"This is all your fault, Alex," I told myself. "Why did you even talk to that piece of shit? You're such an idiot."

My fingers curled into a fist and I slammed it on the table hard. The tears that threatened to fall began to slide down my cheeks. I couldn't even describe the amount of loss I was feeling at that moment. It felt like my entire soul was being ripped and torn from my body, like I was losing every piece of myself.

Or maybe I'm just being overly dramatic. Kenny hasn't even been gone for five minutes.

A small chuckle slipped from my lips when I realized how stupid I was being, Kendall would come back any time now. Whenever he leaves somewhere, he ends up coming back and we make amends if we happened to argue beforehand. Yeah, he's definitely coming back.

I stood up and stretched, thinking of something to do other than sit in a chair, waiting for my boyfriend to return. My parent's were probably trying to avoid me at all costs, seeing as I could get crazily emotional whenever I experience something drastic. If something crazy happens, I like, freak out and have panic attacks. My parents would take me to counseling for it when I was younger and my therapist told me it might have been caused by something drastic that happened to me in the past. I wouldn't know, though. I had lived a pretty normal life.

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