Flirt~ 16 Nerves

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I woke, lying on my back with a pounding headache. What just happened to me? Did I go to a party and turn up too hard? Oh no, what if the worst thing happened? Holy crap, what if I had sex with a guy and ended up pregnant?! No, noooo!

Wait, I'm a guy; guys don't get pregnant - not even the gay ones.

I mentally sighed and turned my head left and right, checking out my surroundings. Wherever I was, it was sort of dark with streaks of light breaking through the blinds of the window. Clothes were scattered all over the place, which was revolting. Like, ew, who just threw their clothes all over the place like it was a damn zoo or something? My mom would have flipped her shit if she saw this.

I glanced at the bed and saw the sheets thrown all over it, the comforter was probably lost in oblivion. Hell to the uh-uh, this room needed some serious tidying up.

I rolled off my back and managed to stand, the pain in my head reducing to a small throb. Looking around again, I realized I was alone. Nobody else was in the room with me so everyone was probably asleep or something. Still, I had to know where the hell I was!

I spotted something familiar lying on the floor and walked over to it. It was a backpack, okay it was my backpack. And that meant I was in my room. Oh hell no! Why on earth would my room be this dirty?! Like, dayum, I need to learn how to clean up. This is totally unacceptable. What was I even doing to let this room get so filthy?!

Suddenly, everything that happened prior to me falling asleep came back to me. Me and Angel running away from those old people, making out with Daniel and getting caught, and then getting caught by my parents - it all came back. It was such a rush of emotions, my heart slammed against my ribs as the guilt of wanting other people clouded all other emotions. How could I have let this happen? Kenny is going to hate me so much when he finds out, and Felicia... She's more than likely going to disown me. And it's all my fault. I never should have messed with Daniel in the first place. I can't believe I let this build up and become something so major. And the thing was...

...I still liked Daniel and Kendall. Not Angel, I guess that was an in-the-moment kind of thing. All romantic feelings toward him have gone down the drain, to be honest.

Would either of them even like me after all this turmoil I'd caused? Yeah, I'm not even going to lie. These guys would so want me. I'm Alex fricking Moore, that should be more than enough to want this!

But still, I shouldn't keep Kenny and Fefe away from the biggest scandal this world has ever heard of. I wouldn't be surprised if they both hated me and Daniel after finding out. We couldn't even blame each other because we were both at fault here. Danny is because he's a manipulative, hot, mysterious cheat machine, and me because I'm an unfaithful, sexy slut.

Footsteps echoed around my door and I assumed it was my Dad or Mom. Who else could it have been? Oh yeah, Daniel or Felicia. Hell, maybe Angel didn't leave yet either. Or his parents might have called him and nagged him until he got home. They're so overprotective sometimes, even though his Dad is super hostile and his step-mom is the spawn of a blue waffle, they're still worried about his well-being. Isn't that nice...ish? At least his parents have somewhat of a heart.

"Alex, are you in there?" I heard Felica's voice call from the other side. SHIT, it was Felicia?! Oh my god, oh my god this isn't good.

I started freaking out mentally, pacing around the room and hyperventilating like a madman. She was right behind the door and could walk in any moment! What if she was holding a gun in her hand? Oh my glob, she'd kill me and then throw my body to the Kracken! That was not going to happen on my watch, I was going to make sure of that!

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