Flirt~ 4 Totally Studying

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"I am never going to get this done!" I whined. I was sitting at the dinner table, trying to figure out how to define rational exponents, and that took extra math skill-something I lack almost entirely. "I am so done." 

Fed up with trying to understand my wretched teacher's work, I gave up and pulled my phone from my pocket. A gleeful feeling of happiness overcame me when I started playing my most favorite game in the world: Candy Crush. There was just something about that game that made me so happy. 

"What are you done with, cutie pie?" I heard a deep voice asked from behind me, causing me to jump in fright, nearly dropping my phone. That bastard, Daniel, let out a hearty laugh. 

"Dammit, Danny!" I shouted. "You scared the shit out of me!" I playfully threw my hand back in an attempt to whack his stomach but came into contact with something else. Something... penis-y. My eyes widened and I uncontrollably blushed. 

Sweet mother of heaven, I just whacked Daniel's pee-pee. 

"I-I... um... I didn't mean to... I, uh, I swear," I stammered, turning to face him. I was pretty sure my face was red with embarrassment, redder than my Great Aunt Malaria's gross lipstick. 

And, let me tell you, her lipstick was hella red. 

Danny had a light blush on his cheeks, but wore a smirk. "Sure you didn't," he teased. 

I stood up and attempted to rush upstairs but failed miserably, tripping over my feet and nearly falling flat on my face. 

I screamed bloody murder, ready to fall to my death. My eyes squeezed shut and I threw my arms out in front of myself. I wasn't even ready for death! I had so much to live for! Besides, I hadn't even started Operation: Flirt Back! 

Maybe if I give the Grim Reaper a blowjob he'll let me live... 

Ha! I'm kidding, I wouldn't ever do such a thing! Kenny might get one, though. 

Retreating from my thoughts, I prepared myself for imminent death as it strongly held me in its clutch. Hmm, Death has some strong clutches. 

... Unless these are Daniel's arms. 

I stopped screaming and opened my eyes. Beautiful, blue eyes came into contact with my hazel ones, sending a sudden chill up my spine. I hadn't died. In fact, I was saved by Daniel! He deserves a big ol' thanks from me later. 

Blinking a few times, I realized how close Daniel and I were, how deeply we were staring into each other's eyes. My body was in close proximity with his, body heat enveloping one another's, breaths slowing. 

Suddenly, my heart picked up speed. Everything around me got warmer, including my temperature. The way I was being held... It was causing my palms to sweat. Being in Daniel's arms was somehow comforting... It soothed me. 

Without realizing it, our faces seemed to get closer, lips gently parting, eyes closing... 

Wait! What the hell was happening? Were we about to...kiss?! 

Hold the hell up! I had Kenny to hold me like that! Kenny was my boyfriend and I totally liked him! I had to tell this flirtatious creep to get his grubby hands off me. 

"Daniel..." I quietly began. The way I spoke was an attempt to sound macho but I was kind of failing. Miserably. "G-get off... I have Kenny. You can't do this..." 

A look of realization his him and he nodded sorrowfully, carefully placing me on my feet and stepping back. 

My heart was pounding hard in my chest. Stupid heart! It needed to stop. 

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