Flirt~ 14 Meet Kendall

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Maybe I should have left after Alex woke up. Then I wouldn't have felt so bad for running off a few days ago. How did he take the note, I wondered. He usually did his cute tantrums and then played Candy Crush on his phone for hours on end.

I chuckled to myself lightly when I thought about my boyfriend. We hadn't seen each other in so long, I missed him. He was the only person on my mind while my parents and I were staying at some southern, country town in Texas. Honestly, there was nothing to do here. If I had some stupid service, I'd call Alex every day that I was gone, but sadly, that won't happen. This place literally had nothing high tech.

I let out a huge sigh and tightened my grip on the wooden pole I was leaning against. It was sitting on the porch of our house - one of many houses we bought around the country. My parents had so much money; they didn't even know what to do with it. A few days ago we were on a yacht my dad purchased and I nearly died. The cruise could have been much better if Alex was with me - or anyone for that matter.

"Hey," an unfamiliar voice called from somewhere, "what's with the sad look on yer face?"

I looked out on the dirt road and there was some guy dressed in a cowboy outfit, looking dead at me, curiosity etched on his features. The "ten-gallon" hat he was wearing covered most of his dirty blond hair, but some of it stuck out. What was he doing talking to me?

"Me?" I said, looking into his twinkling blue eyes, "I'm just waiting for my parents to finish whatever business they're doing."

He was pretty muscular and his biceps showed that when they flexed slightly as he took off the leather gloves he was wearing. I didn't even know this guy's name, why was he talking to me?

The cowboy flashed me a smile and his pearly whites nearly blinded me. Okay, I'm over exaggerating but they were some pretty white teeth.

"The name's Buck, Buck Townsend," he spoke. His country accent was thick and sweet like maple syrup. "Can I have yer name?" The way he looked at me sent a tingle down my spine - just a slight tingle, nothing more. Buck's full, pink lips curled into a grin and those thick eyelashes seemed to pull me into him.

Wait, no, that wasn't right. Alex was my main focus. I couldn't do anything to him again. He had been too good of a boyfriend to me, and he didn't deserve for me to cheat.

"I'm Kendall Prescott," I replied rather flatly. Buck removed his hat from his head and exposed the rest of his hair. It was curly and messy, but somewhat attractive. Not saying I was attracted to him. The guy just happened to look good.

"Well, Mr. Kendall, I was wonderin' somethin'. I know we just met n' all but," His cheeks reddened slightly. This guy was going to ask me on a date. "I'd be much obliged if I could take you... um, to a, uh... my parents are havin' a big dinner and... would you like to come?" He said the last part pretty fast and by then his entire face was as red as my boiling blood. This godforsaken place had absolutely no air, at all.

I smirked at him, tilting my head to the side. "What if I told you I was straight?" I questioned.

Buck's eager expression dropped and he looked sort of pained.

"Oh, well I'm sorry for comin' on to you like a psycho, Mr. Kendall," he apologized, voice barely above a whisper. The twinkle in his eyes died out and he started to walk away.

Damn it, I hated being rude to people. Besides, it was just one dinner. What harm would be done by going to a meal? I wasn't going to screw the guy or anything. Buck's parents would be there anyway. Hopefully, he wouldn't come on to me while we'd be eating - if my parents even say yes. Well, it couldn't hurt to try.

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