Queen Mate

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I was signing paperwork in mine and Jason's office when I felt a series of powerful kicks in my stomach

"Jeez you two give mommy a break "I muttered down at my swelling stomach as the kicking continued mildly

A few seconds later I resumed my work and I felt another series of big kicks ,sighing I decided to take a nap .As I was getting up the door slammed open revealing Jason slightly out of breath.

"How many times have I told you if you need to get up call me !?"He yelled as he walked around my desk and picked me up

"I was just going to take a little nap in our bed "I said as the twins kicking intensified

"The twins kicking again "He asked as he walked me to our bedroom

"Yes it like there playing a soccer game or something in there "I whined as I rested my head on his chest

"Just rest my love " He whispered as he placed me down on the bed

"But...what...about...-"I started a sentence but stopped as I was over come by tiredness

"Sleep"He said pulling the covers over me and kissing my forehead

"I love you "He whispered before walking to the door

"I love you too "I said before he was gone and after he left I felt my eyes get heavy .


This book will contain mature language and some violence

Read at your own risk !!!

(Might suck !!!Just a heads up !! )

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