Family oriented

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"Finally were here "I said as we pulled into the supermarket parking lot ,the car behind us was my security two guards stayed with the car and the rest followed us into the store

"You've never had guards "Jason pointed out as we walked in

Rosie's POV

" I always have guards with me love I have many enemies "I said grabbing a shopping cart and opening my phone to see a very long shopping list

Eggs 2x
Bacon 2x
Rice 3x
Chips 5x
Potato's 12x
Cheese 4x
Butter 12x
Bread 2x
Pastries 3x
Cooking Oil 3x
Dough 9x
Chocolate chips 2x
Tomato's 4x
Basil leaves 1x
Ice cream 2x
Bagels 12x
Dish soap 1x
Dish Gloves 2x
Cookie sheets 4x
Pie crust 7x
Apples 6x
Cinnamon 1x
Cream cheese 6x
Whipped cream 5x
Coffee creamer pumpkin spice and regular 2x
Onions 4x
Cheese platter 6x
Crackers 6x

I sighed and kept scrolling until I got to the end and showed Jason since he asked why I was standing still for so long

"Wow that's a lot of stuff "He said as he continued to scroll

"Good thing we have security I spilt the list with them,we're getting everything from eggs to bagels ."I said pushing my cart to the diary section

"I'm going to grab milk because we always need it "I said as I sent the list to the he's of my security

1 hour later

"125.60 miss "The cashier said with a smile

"That's it ?"Jason said surprised

"My grandmas really good with sales and coupons "I said as I grabbed the last of the bags

"Okay come on let's get home before my grandma calls again "I said running to the car and starting it

At home

We brought in the last of the groceries and I was about to sit in my office chair when the phone started going off

"Queen Rosalie speaking "I answered leaning on the edge of my desk as Jason silently walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder

"Okay the king and I will be right there "I said before hanging up

"What's wrong ?"He asked as I turned in his arms to face him

"One of our sister packs are having a problem with some of there younger pack members "I explained walking out of our office and towards the bedroom to change out of my very comfy clothes

"So why are we needed ?"He asked as I pulled of my sweats and T-shirt

"I run a bootcamp where packs send there younger members if they cause to much trouble and I've had to deal with this group of kids a few times in the past"I said quickly putting my heels on

(Outfit above )

"Come "I said grabbing the doorknob and rushing out of the palace

"Why are we in such a rush "He asked buckling his seatbelt

"They set someone's house of fire "I answered stepping on the gas

"And they kidnapped the Alphas Twin children whom they aren't very fond of "I said pushing the gas even harder as I continued to explain what havoc they've been causing just in under an hour

"And they won't tell the Alpha nor the Luna where there hiding the kids.The little rebel's are expecting the town police however there in for a surprise "I said already turning on to the street

"There a little scared of me from our last time I was summoned "I said pulling up to the house and running out of the car


I knocked on the door loudly and not even a beat later it flew open ,the Luna sighed in relief and lunged towards me wrapping  her arms around me

"Your highness they took my babies "She whimpered

"I'll take care of it "I said hugging her before the Alpha took his distressed mate into his arms

"Alpha ,Luna I'd like to introduce you to my mate "They straightened up and looked next to me to see Jason

"Jason this is Alpha Dan and Luna May "I said as we walked in

"There In the pack meeting room "May whimpered before leaning into her mates chest

"Come on Jason "I said feeling my anger rise

"They've caused these two enough "I explained as we walked outside towards the pack meeting room

"They were rogues you see 3 boys and 3 girls all mated to each other ,I had a lot of things on my plate at the time so I asked this pack to take them in.It was going well at first until they started acting out of sorts and causing trouble ,they  couldn't keep there grades up and they all refused to act as part of the pack "I said as we stopped in front of the meeting doors

"So I was called and had a very heated talk with them and left them with a warning and a threat if I was brought back ,they of course thought I was bluffing so I let Daraioy prove to them I was not "I finished before opening the door to see they were lounging around

"Alpha the police won't help you find the Twins "The ring leader of the group Brandon said smugly

"It's a good thing he called me instead then wasn't it "I said causing them to all freeze and slowly turn towards the door we're Jason and I are

"Shit "Brandon muttered before nodding his head for his little crew to follow his lead

"Rose remember to keep your anger in check"Jason whispered pulling me flush against him as we walked up to the children

"Easier said then done ,you don't know these children like I do "I said as we stopped in front of the now standing up group

"Why are you causing such trouble for this pack "I asked

"There to Family oriented "He said with a smirk

"So causing a fire and almost killing two kids is a good solution,or taking the Luna's only children?"I questioned

"You said there were no kids "A short redhead said looking at Brandon

"There wasn't shes lying "He said before turning back to me

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