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"Okay fine since you can't act mature your or fulfill your kingly duties here on out your banned from all my meetings.Why don't you go check on my packs " I spat before walking towards my office

"I'll just have my beta do the job you can't do" I said before completely disappearing into my office and slamming the door to make my point

"Now then where we ?"I said before calling my beta

Jason's POV
* 3 days later *

I sighed as I signed more pack paper work ,I should've been the one to help catch that witch cult not my brother and since Saturday Rosie has gone on other no talking strike .

"Alpha you have a visitor "One of the warriors informed me

"Come in "I said while I continued to read over contracts and pack paper work

"We you look exactly like Rosie both buried in paper work "I heard the amused voice of my bother whom I didn't really wanna see

"I know your upset because I did your job but I was following my queens orders she kinda out ranks you at the moment "He said making a valid point ,until further notice I'm not future king but just an alpha

"You two really need to talk "He said pointing out the obvious

"Really I hadn't realized "I said rolling my eyes

"Well it just so happens she's doing a regular pack house check today and she'll be here shortly "He said causing me to look down at myself, at the clock and then back down at myself before I sprinted to the shower I took a quick shower before running to my closet

"Help me find something to wear "I yelled dragging my brother into my closet

"How about this"He said holding up a pair of tan joggers ,black tank top and a black jacket

"Yah that should do"I said taking the clothes from him and going to the bathroom to change into them

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"Yah that should do"I said taking the clothes from him and going to the bathroom to change into them

"She should be here soon "He said checking his watch

Rosalie's POV

"Rosie you have to go to the pack house today "Justin reminded me causing me to sigh

"You can't ignore each other for the rest of your lives "Justin nagged

"I need to get ready "I said before heading to my room for a quick shower and to change

After my shower I headed to my closet to pick ah outfit and decided to call in some help

"You called "Amy said with a teasing smile

"I need help putting together an outfit,but I want to tease him a little Yah know ?"I explained hoping she'd understand

"You asked the right girl "She said before walking around my closet

"Perfect "She said before throwing leather pants and a leather crop top at me along with black leathered heels

"Perfect "She said before throwing leather pants and a leather crop top at me along with black leathered heels

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"Well it's tight that's for sure "I said loosing the straps to my crop top

"You look hot "She said as she let my hair down from my towel and lightly brushed before leaving my naturally wavy hair alone

"Now go "She said shooing me away ,I walked to the pack house and walked in to be welcomed by a lively house

"Your highness "Greeted a group of teenagers

"The Alphas in his office " Said a warrior

"Oh okay thank you "I said before checking on everything else after I was done I walked towards his office and before I could knock I heard a loud

"Come in "I opened the door to be welcomed by his and Justins scents

"Can you two play nice or do I need to stay?"Justin asked half serious half sarcastic

"I think we can manage "I said before he got the hint and silently left

"I heard Justin helped catch the witch cult "He said in a pride-less voice

"As of right now he's acting king on your behalf "I answered in a professional voice

"Can you not talk as if your in a meeting with some council "He snipped

"I am merely speaking to you an alpha whom needs to update me on my pack ,we shall not speak of our personal problems until my work is complete "I stated

"Yes because to you work is more important than your broken relationship "He said getting more annoyed

"Jason don't test me "I said losing my patience

"I'm sorry your majesty wouldn't want that be lectured by Daraioy again "He snipped, slowly his patience slipped as did mine

"Jason why "I asked letting Lily's voice over powered mine however she didn't take over just over ride my voice with her stronger and louder one

"Why must you make it more difficult for us "She asked broken heartedly

"Rosie accepted you as her mate for me .She sacrificed her old beliefs so I could have my mate and all you've done is prove why having a mate is a bad thing "Lily said softly

"Daraioy explained to you once Rosalie makes her mind up there's no if ands or but's ,we can't change her mind .Your walking on a thin line of trust and an even thinner line on remaining our mate. If i  were you I'd tread lightly with my testiness "Lily explained carefully

That being said a thick silence fell over us as he thought about what Lily had just ,and Lily retreated back to the back of my mind .

10 minutes later

Jason's POV

After a while of dwelling on what Lilly said I came to a tuff decision that would most likely shock Rose ,Lily and even Daraioy.

However before I could utter a single word ,tears rolled down Rosalie's face telling me she read my mind and knows my decision.

"Well clearly the moon goddess made a mistake "She said before getting up from my desk chair and running out of office.

Not even a second after she ran out she came back in and walked straight up to me before delivery a hard slap across my face .


"I regret it all and if I could I'd go back to the night off the ball and reject you "She said in the most chilling voice I've ever heard

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