Rosies Vampire

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"Love "She hummed

"Move over I don't wanna crush you "She shifted a little and I got in ,after I did she moved on to my chest I laughed a little and wrap my arms around her protectively.

"Good night my queen "She kissed my chest and cuddled deeper into my side

"Night my king "She whispered back before her breathing completely evened out

Jason's POV

I felt moving around on my chest and a face buried into my neck,gently I brought my hand up and ran it through Rosie's hair but I got a text so I stopped.

"Mhm don't stopppp"She whined and I laughed bringing one hand back

"Who knew the emotionless Queen could be so whiney "I said and her response was biting my neck

"Was that my punishment ,if it was I'll piss you off more often "I said while biting my lip

I felt my little 'friend' getting very excited while Rosie deliberately teased me

"Rosieeeeee"I whined ,she hummed and continued her ' torture '

"Yes my love "She said seductively and my wolf was begging to come out

'Let me out ,I wanna have some fun with our mate '

'Damn horny wolf '

'Says the one with a boner '

'That's what I thought ,now let me have control '

'Fine but no marking and no mating '

'Yah yah ,stupid human hogging all the good stuff '

I gave him control and drifted into the back of his mind....

Nathan's POV

She kissed up my neck and went to meet my lips but froze when she noticed it wasn't Jason

"Did I make big bad wolf to horny "She teased climbing of my chest only to pulled right back by me

"Yes,and where do you think your going "I asked biting my lip and looking into her deep purple eyes

"Well I have Queen duties and Jason has future king duties "She giving me a pointed look

"To bad I just got control and I'm not giving it back yet ,know cuddle with me "I said hugging her tightly

"Fine but only for a little this is an important meeting "She said burying her face in the crook of my neck

We cuddled for a while until she sat up causing me to do the same ,so now we're facing each other

"Okay um..."She said trailing off and only then did I remember I didn't introduce myself ,the last time we met I as fixing the mess Jason caused and after that I was to horny for my name to matter

"I'm sorry ,it's Nathan "She smiled and got up

"Well Nathan it's time to give Jason control back ,that meeting starts in 20 minutes and id already usually be there by now"She said

"Babyyyyy"I whined getting up and hugging her waist

"I know my love but we have duties ,I promise after we get back home we can go for a run "I smiled and connected our lips in a short kiss

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