I love Bacon....oh and you

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" He's in a better and more peaceful place with my mother "I buried my face in Jason's neck trying to muffle my sobs

"Shhh baby,you don't have to tell me anymore the rest can wait until we get home "I shook my head to tired to speak anymore

"Sleep my queen "I felt warm lips on my forehead before I fell into a peaceful dream

(3 days later )

Jason's POV

I felt warm lips press against my unclothed chest and a hand swipe across my cheek sending electrifying sparks shoot through my body.After Rosalie told me about her past we grew even closer and when we got back she immediately had my stuff moved into her room .

"My love you need to get up ,you and your pack start your first day of training today "She lightly pressing her lips on my collarbone

"Mhm you keep doing that we're not gonna be leaving this bed anytime soon "I purred placing her on me so she was straddling my waist

"I didn't strike you to be naughty "She purred rocking her hips against mine slightly .I groaned and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly.

"Stop"I said and it came out more harsh then I intended it to .

I didn't feel any movement so I looked up to see hurt in her eyes and before I could say anything it was to late ,she has already gotten off of me as if I had brunt her

"I'll wait for you downstairs "She said stiffly and walked out of the room

' Why the fuck were you so harsh with her 'Nathan yelled at me

' I didn't mean for it to come out so harsh but we have to get to training and at this rate If we continued we'd never make it there ' I defended and pointed out

' Well now she feels rejected asshole 'He growled

' How do I make it up to her? ' I asked hopelessly

' That's on you ,I'm gonna check on her wolf ' He said cutting the connection off and being useless per usual

I got dressed in some basketball shorts and a plain t-shirt before walking to he training area .

Just as I got there I picked up my mates scent and followed it to see something that caused a low growl to ripple through my chest.I made long and angry strides towards my barley dressed mate who was talking to an unmated warrior.

"MINE"I growled burying my face in the crook of her neck

I felt her push me away and was met with angry eyes .However she didn't say anything instead she just continued her conversation with the warrior

"As I was saying today we start training our new pack members.I want men and women paired together and make sure there not mates "She said and the warrior gave her a simple nod before walking away,she went to follow him but I held her tightly rooted to me.

"Let . Go ."She snarled but I just growled and pulled her towards the palace ,to our room .As expected she struggled so I effortlessly picked her up and chucked her over my shoulder.

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