Pack house problems

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"Sounds like a plain but how about I show my king to our bedroom ,I dint believe you got the grand tour "She whispered seductively while kissing my mark

In a flash I picked her up bridal style and was running to our room.....

Best . Grand . Tour . Ever...!!

Jason's POV

I felt excitement run through me as I patently waited for Rose to get dressed .She finally came out of the bathroom looking beautiful per usual.

"Babyyyyy are you ready yet "I whined as she walked back into the bathroom

"Yes sorry sorry ,I was just get my
shoes "She said putting on white sandals and slipping her hand into mine

"Okay so do you wanna see first ,the pack house ?"I shook my head eagerly

"Okay we can do that and then I wanna take you to my favorite place ,and after that you can pick anywhere else.If we miss anything today we can always finish tomorrow "She said leading me out of our room

"Oh so I get you to myself twice in a row "She giggled and brought our joined hands to her lips and gently pressed a kiss to my knuckles

"Your the king ,wherever I am you are and vise versa ,I even got you a desk for our office "My heart swelled from her nice words and sweet gesture

"You didn't have to do that "I said ,she just shrugged

"Didn't have to but I wanted too " I smiled and a peaceful silence fell between us

After a little while two beautiful cottage like masons that were connected by a big bridge with a pond and flowers around it came into view...

Rosalie's POV

I heard a gasp next to and turned to see Jason's face holding amazement

" wow "He said stuttered

"Come ,I want you to meet some people "I said and gently took his hand in mine

We walked through the doors and were instantly welcomed by our excited pack members

"QUEEN ROWASLE" Screamed probably the cutest little boy I've ever seen

"Joshie "I said and caught him in my arms

"I mwissed ywu"He said pouting his bottom lip

"I missed you too buddy "I hugged him tightly and placed him on my hip before standing up

"Queen Rosalie the king seems a little flustered "I turned towards my mate to see him being attacked by all the little kids

"My children give your King some space "They all giggled and ran towards me attacking my legs with there chubby little hands

"Play,play ,play "They all chanted pushing me towards the play room...

Jason's POV

Since Rose got kidnapped by the little ones I decided to explore on my own .While walking a body collided with mine and the smell of sweet Lily's filled my nose .

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