My Father was right

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"Okay Jason Truth or Dare "Kyle asked

"Dare of course "I said and he smirked

"I dare you to have a full makeup out session with Miranda for 2 full minutes "I shrugged and looked at Miranda she was pretty hot brown long hair ,green eyes nice curves

She sat on my lap and I pushed my lips on to hers and they moved together in sync,she began to rock her hips and I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance she let me in and the kiss was getting hotter and hotter.

I got up with her still wrapped around me and carried her to a random bedroom .One thing led to another and both our clothes started to come off.....

Rosie's POV

I just got back from putting jess to bed and was expecting to see Jason in our room but I was welcome by an empty room

"Must've decided to hang out a little "I mumbled to myself as I crawled into bed

As soon as my head hit the pillow I welcomed the darkness....

2 hours later......

I woke up because my wolf was stirring uneasily ,I went to cuddled into Jason but was met with an empty bed

I clicked my phone and the time read 2:46 a.m

'Rose I'm getting a bad feeling about
this '

'lily he's probably still at the party just rel-

"Ahhhhhhhhh "I cut myself off by screaming because of the excruciating pain that ripped through my body

'L-lily what was that ' she began to whimper loudly

'I-it's Jason hh-he's cheating on us '

I whimpered at the thought of our mate ever cheating on us .Pain ripped through my body again but ten times worse ,I shakily got to my feet and walked out my bedroom.

I stumbled to my cousins door and used all the strength I had to knock

"Hel-Rose what's wrong "He asked worriedly

"H-he cheated "I mumbled before collapsing into my cousins arms

Jason's POV

I opened my eyes and felt a pounding in my head ,I looked around confused when I wasn't met by my dark bedroom walls but lighter walls .

Just as I was about to get up I felt a weight on my chest and looked down to see a girl in her bra and underwear sleeping peacefully .

'Nathan what the fuck happened last night 'I asked worriedly

'YOU CHEATED ON OUR MATE ' He growled loudly then cut our mind link

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath and shook the girl and she opened her eyes and looked at me with confusion

"Omg"She gasped and shot off of my chest

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