Fake smiles....Real tears

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"I want to see my big brother "She said resting her head in the crook of my neck

"Flower you have two big brothers which one do you want to see ?"....

Rosie's POV

"I wanna see Justin and Amy "She mumbled in my neck

"Okay flower "I said carrying her to Justin room


"It's open "Justin called from behind the door

I opened the door and saw Justin trying to assemble a crib and Amy was eating ice cream .I looked around and noticed how crowded the room looked .

"Hey guys "Amy smiled widely and put her ice cream down then began to waddle over to me and flower

"Hey Rose and hello Jess "She said poking flowers cheek

"Can I feel the baby again "She asked shyly

"Of course sweetie "She said gently taking flower from my arms and while she did I walked over to a struggling Justin

"Your putting that in the wrong spot "I said and he grunted and dropped it

"Id like to see you put it together "I sat down and skillfully began to assemble it

"So you and Amy seem pretty crowded in here "I said looking at the room again

"Yah it gets a little crowded but we can deal with it "He said drinking some water

"Or you can do what every growing family does and move out of the palace "I said clicking the last few pieces together

"Where I'm I gonna get money to build a house"He asked

"Consider it taken care of "I said getting up and dusting my pants off

"How did you do that "He asked astonished

"I've had to put a lot together but anyways tomorrow you can pick one of the empty houses and move in whenever your
ready "He smiled gracefully and hugged me tightly

"Thank you so much " He whispered in my ear

"No problem but I'm gonna get out of your hair "I said and looked at Amy to see Flower fell asleep with her head on Amy's baby bump

I walked out and the fake smile on my face disappeared and my dull expression reappeared before tears fell down my face. I slide down the wall and sat on the floor ,silently I cried until I met darkness .

Justin's POV

"Thank you so much " I whispered in to Roses ear

"No problem but I'm gonna get out of your hair " She said and looked at Amy to see Jess asleep with her head on Amy's baby bump. She walked out and a few minutes later I heard very quite whimpers ,if it wasn't for my wolf hearing I wouldn't have heard it

"Babe what's that "Amy gently shifted of the bed so she wouldn't wake Jess up and walked to our door

" Aw Rose "She murmured before rushing out the door .I quickly followed after her and saw she was crouched someone's body and the closer I got I began to realize it was Rose who was making the quite cry's .

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