Baby Blues

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"Love I have something I've been meaning to give to you "He said before pulling a gorgeous ring from behind him

It was a purple hearted shaped diamond ring with to of the same size diamonds on each side ,it was simple but it was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen .

Rosalie's POV

I smiled as he placed the beautiful ring on my finger and kissed my hand before getting up .

"I can't wait to marry you "He said with a goofy smile

"Me nether "I said and the growly of my stomach broke our romantic moment

"Looks like someone's hungry "He said getting me some of my grandmas soup

"So why do you have a normal 9 months pregnancy "He asked as I blew on the spoon before putting it in my mouth

"Because if I was only a wolf then I'd have the normal pregnancy schedule like any other she-wolf however I'm only part wolf so my human part overrides the wolf ,vampire and witch "I explained

"Ah okay that makes sense "He said taking a bite of his sandwich

"I hope you realize that I'm not only carrying my own hormones but my wolf ,vampire and witches "I said causing his eyes to widen

"Well I'm screwed "He said with a sarcastic smile

"Royally screwed Yes "I answered with a double meaning and he caught on because he smirked

"You can roy-"He started to say but stopped because Flower walked in

"Rose "She squealed running up to me

"It's like I'm chop liver "Jason pouted as I picked her up

"Did you see aunt Amy's baby "She asked as she laid her head on my shoulder

"Yes and he's almost as cute as you "I said poking her nose causing her to giggle

"Why don't you go find mommy "I suggested letting her down,she shook her head before skipping out the way she came in

"I have a video meeting I'll be back later "I said kissing his cheek and walking towards my office

Jason's POV

She walked out of the kitchen after kissing my cheek leaving me alone and bored .

"JUSTIN "I yelled

"WHAT!!"He yelled back from one of the many rooms

"HI"I yelled back

"REALLY IM A LITTLE BUSY "He yelled frustrated

"WHERE ARE YOU ?"I yelled back getting of the bar stool

"LIBRARY "I didn't respond and walked to the library however this one was much smaller compared to Rosalie's personal one ,this one was open to anyone's whereas her was just for us to use

"What are you doing "I asked looking at my distressed brother who was surrounded with a ton of open books spread around him

"Trying to find a reason to why my mate won't stop acting like a hormonal pregnant lady considering she already had the baby it just started out of no where "He said shutting another book and adding it to the closed book pile next to him

"Ask Rosalie "I said simply causing him to look at me like I had three heads

"She's been around for a while to know everything about pregnancy before after and in between "I answered ,not even a second later I was looking at an empty spot where he has been sitting

"WAIT "I yelled remembering she was in a meeting

"SHES IN A-"I started but it was too late he already barged through the office doors like a maniac

Rosalie's POV

"Alpha Brian what's your report on the recent rogue sitings ?"I asked looking at the Alpha on my flat screen

"We-"He started but was interrupted by my office door flying open and a very distressed Justin to appear

"Uh Alphas it seems my beta needs to talk to me we'll take a short break "I said before muting the call as the other Alphas talked

"Justin ?"I asked walking over to him when suddenly I heard Jason yelling

"SHES IN A-"He started stopped once he noticed Justin was already in my office

"Uh..."I starred confused as Jason entered slightly out of breath

"What's going on ?"I asked as I grabbed Jason a bottle of water and handed it to him

"Justin needed to talk to you but he don't know you were in a meeting "Jason explained once he caught his breath

"For an alpha he's really out of shape"Lily said causing me to snort which caused Jason and Justin to look at me until Jason looked at me offended telling me my mind link with him was open which caused me to laugh even harder

"Rude "Jason said pouting ,I ignored him and turned towards Justin

"What's the problem?"I asked finally addressing the problem

"It's Amy she's very hormonal and I don't know why it's worse then when she was actually pregnant .Anything I do ether pisses her off or makes her break out into tears "He said sitting down

"Oh she's probably going through 'baby blues ' it's very common for first times moms .It has to do with changes with her hormones levels ,it's nothing to worry about really it's completely normal however I'd book an appointment with the pack doctor to make sure it's not something more serious like postpartum"I said causing him to shake his head

"I can make you an appointment for today if you'd like "He shook his head 'yes' with a grateful smile

"I just emailed the doctor and requested an appointment for 1:00 Okay "I said grabbing his hand and giving it a tight squeeze

"I'd go and tell her about her appointment ,tell her it's a checkup "I said leading him out of my office

"Thank you "He said before leaving

"Now "I said sitting down and pressing un-mute

"Sorry Alphas my beta is a first time father and his mate seems to be going through 'baby blues'"They shook their heads in understanding

"I remember when my mate went through that ,it was not pretty "One Alpha said causing some other Alphas to chuckle before we finished our meeting and planned the next one before hanging up

"Well I'm tired "I said leaning back in my chair

"Join me for a nap love "He asked stretching his hand towards mine

"Don't have to ask me twice "I said taking his hand as he lead us to our room

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