Moving the date...

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"Why are you causing such trouble for this pack "I asked

"There to Family oriented "He said with a smirk

"So causing a fire and almost killing two kids is a good solution,or taking the Luna's only children?"I questioned

"You said there were no kids "A short redhead said looking at Brandon

"There wasn't shes lying "He said before turning back to me

Rosie's POV

"I'm going to ask once and only once we're the twins "I said feeling my fangs extend and my eyes turn from purple to blood red

"Brandon just tell her I'm tired of this "A tallish dark skinned girl said ,she was his mate

"Jasmine we all talked about this not until we get what we want "He said looking at her

"She can give us what we want "She reasoned

"What is it you want ?"I asked curious

"Our freedom ,this pack is to suffocating "She explained and she had a guilt look in her eyes , I can tell she wanted no part of the events that played out

"Tell me were the twins are I'll take you back to the palace with me we're you'll get your own house and freedom however you'll need to get some jobs to pay for the expeensives of the house and give a formal apology to this pack for the troubles you've caused them " I said giving my full cooperation and my circumstances to the agreement

Brandon looked back at the group and they all shook there heads in agreement .

"There in my closet "He said sending one of the guys to get the twins in which he returned with

"Your highness "The Girl said from her twin brother side

"Go to your parents,they've been full of  worry for you "I said before turning back to the group

"In 10 minutes you'll formally apologize to the whole pack and then we'll leave "I said before walking away ,Jason quietly following beside me .He seems to always get very quiet when it comes to dealing with anything business related issues

"That seemed easy "He said finally speaking

"Love why do you always quietly stand behind me while I deal with anything business related ?"I asked looking at him

"So I can learn how to deal with these kinds of problems correctly "I smiled and sat on a bench as we waited for the group of teens

10 minutes later

After the formally apologized we headed be to the palace where I had a guard lead them to their new house as well as give them a work schedule I had Justin write up .

"Finally I can put my clothes back on "I said In relief already pulling my leggings on

"I've never seen your clothes come of so fast not even for me "He said wrapping his arms around my bare waist

"Oh shush "I said leaning into his warm embrace ,he began kissing my neck but before it could get to heated the beta also known as Jason's brother came running in without knocking

"QUEE-" He started but stopped once he realized what he interrupted

"Uh sorry...well shit now I know how you felt whenever you walked in on me and Amy"He said scratching the back of his head

"Unless you'd like to get your ass beat I'd turn around so I can put a shirt on "I said feeling Jason's ,Justin shook his head turning around quickly

"Okay ,now what's up "I asked wrapping my arms around Jason's waist and leaning my head on his chest

"Uh your grandma said she needed you and Jason mom wants you "Justin said before turning around and running out of our room

"Come Love "I said taking his hand and leading us downstairs

"Grandma what's up "She turned to me with tears and a watery smile

"My dear why didn't you tell anyone "She asked causing me to still

"Love What is she talking about "Jason asked just as his mom entered the kitchen

"Your Mate has some very overdue news "She said taking my grandmas hand and giving it a tight squeeze

"Rosie ?"Jason asked beyond confused

"Well you see Ivebeenpregantforamonthandidnttellanyone"I said in one quick long sentence

"Okay now repeat that slowly in English "He said slightly amused

"Ive been pregnant for a month and I didn't tell anyone"I said slowly looking down

"You were pregnant when I left you "He said in a heart breaking voice

"I was having morning sickness and weird cravings"I said finally meeting his eyes

"I put you and our baby through so much "He said ,one lone tear slipping down his cheek but I didn't let it fall

"Shh my love you could've possibly known because of my genes I will have a full 9 month pregnancy,so like any other normal pregnant women I'm not showing yet "I said hugging him

"My babies going to have a baby "My grandma and Jason's mom said at the same time

"Can I ?"He asked looking at my stomach,his hand hovering over it

"Of course "He pressed his hand firmly to my stomach and closed his eyes ,a breathing smile over took his lips as he took his hand away and pulled me close to him

"I'm going to be a daddy "He said flabbergasted

"And I'm going to be a mommy "I said with happy tears running down my face

"Grandma how soon can you  and Claire plan a wedding and crowning ?"I asked surprising everyone

"You know with me and Claire it'll take a week tops we can do both on the same day "She said before grabbing Claire excitedly and leaving the kitchen

"Love aren't I supposed to propose first ?"Jason asked confused

"I love you,you love me what else is there ?"I asked causing him to smile before kissing me and saying he'll be right back

"Love I have something I've been meaning to give to you "He said before pulling a gorgeous ring from behind him

It was a purple hearted shaped diamond ring with to of the same size diamonds on each side ,it was simple but it was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen .

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