I do

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"Well I'm tired "I said leaning back in my chair

"Join me for a nap love "He asked stretching his hand towards mine

"Don't have to ask me twice "I said taking his hand as he lead us to our room

Rosalie's POV
**1 week later**

I felt excitement run throughout my whole body as I starred at my beautiful simple vintage wedding dress ,a tug on my hair snapped me out of my own little world .

"Sorry I'm almost done "Amy said sheepishly as she gently tugged the last curled piece of my hair into my bun

"That wedding dress is so beautiful,even though it's simple it just gives of this refreshing beauty "Amy gushed as I got up to finally slip it on

"It was my moms she wore it the day of my acceptance into the royal pack "I said as the soft cotton material gently glided across my skin

"You have many of these dresses yes ?"She asked as she tied the two white strings that kept the dress in place tightly together on the back of the dress

"Yes many different colors and styles,after the wedding come to my room you can pick a few out"I said while sleeping my shoes on

"Oh I couldn't those are vintage "She rejected politely

"And collecting dust as a matter of fact you can have all my vintage dresses they have no use for me anymore ,the only ones I wear were the ones that belong to my mother other then that you can have the rest "I said delicately placing my crown on my head

"And collecting dust as a matter of fact you can have all my vintage dresses they have no use for me anymore ,the only ones I wear were the ones that belong to my mother other then that you can have the rest "I said delicately placing my crown on ...

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"I...-Uh....I'm speechless"She said with a slight blush

"I have a women who personally makes all my dresses I'll give you her number I feel you'll both get along quite well "I said adding some lipstick to my basically makeup free face other then mascara

"You truly are just a generous person "She complemented hugging me

"I'm sorry "She apologized pulling away however I hugged her back tightly

"It's the least I can do for my sister in law "I said smiling

"I've been lonely for quite a while and only had my grandma and cousin until Jason came along and thanks to him I have an amazing family and my first ever sister "I said causing her to tear up

"I know we're going to grow as close as biological sisters "I said kissing her cheek and giving her a side hug

"Now let's get your hair up and dress on I need to get married in an hour "I said causing her to laugh

20 minutes later

Grandma Lisa and Claire got Ally, Jessica and Justin Jr. while Amy finished getting ready .Ally and Jessica were in matching baby blue dresses with cute little shoes and there hair curled in a down look .Justin jr was in a little suit onesie and little booties .

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