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"What a day to start a day!" Sweeping my skirt from the dust, all thanks to some-dozens-weird-crazy-screaming-fangirls that I'm late for my job. I ignore those girls who rushes into the hotel trying to get attention from the 'famous' Eisuke Ichinomiya, the owner of Tres Spade Hotel.

I hurriedly run to the girls changing room, and change my outfit. When I was running towards there, I and Eisuke make an eye contact. He smirk at me but I just show him my most attractive and famous, bored eyes towards him.

"You woke up late again?" Sakiko ask. "No. I was late thanks to those fangirls outside." I said annoyedly. "Right. Hahaha." She laugh. "What so funny? I don't see any funny things here?" I said curiously. "Nothing." She shrug and continuing laughing.

I shake my head, ignoring her weird mind. I state out, "We better go to the meeting room. Fast."

We run to the meeting room, we manage to sit down on a few unoccupied sits. Just in time for Mr Kenzaki to come in and discuss about the today schedule.

During the meeting, I'm in the most intense meeting in the whole year.


Okay. You all might be thinking it's not a big deal. But it is! I never serve in those kind of environment before. What if I mess up.

"You won't." Sakiko said. "How would you know that I won't!" I panic.

"Cause I know you won't."

"Wow." I slow clap at her, "Such way to explain why."

She laugh and went to start in her shift as I walk towards the room.

In the room, everyone is preparing the things.

Wow. They really go all out on this kind of party.

"You better don't mess up." Erika warn. I turn around and said, "I won't"

"Good. Cause this party is very important. Especially to me it is." She said.

I nod my head.

During the party, it's a busy hell room like traffic jam. I can't even take a single breath properly. I put my stuff on the table, taking a break when a guy with yellowish-orangish-blondish hair come in front of me.

"Hello lady, can I have a glass of champagne please." I widen my eyes as I apologize, "Sorry sir, here is your glass."

"Is okay. By the way, you do look as if you just finish a marathon." He say.

I blush,"No, it's just that I just need a small little break. But now, I should continue my job."

"Okay, but don't break your legs." He wink as I thank him, "Thanks for your concern sir." And I walk around bringing champagne to the guests.

I continue bringing champagnes to all the guests. When I walk to someone familiar. "Sir, Ma'am, would you like to have a glass of champagne?"

"Yea, sure. Thank you." As a lady take two and pass one to a guy beside him. I eye to Eisuke as he show up his hand that is holding a glass of champagne. "Alright then." I nod my head and walk off.

After the party, I found Sakiko waiting for me in the changing room. After changing, we walk out to the main door of the hotel to go back to our apartment.

Just about Sakiko left, a guy call her name. She turn around and hug him. They kiss and went their parted way. When Sakiko walk back towards me, I smirk at her, "Girl, you got one already?"

"Hehe." She blush. My smirk widen at her embarrassment until it drop. I saw my uncle and aunt calling me. I frown but make a different face for Sakiko. I put a smile and told her to go home first.

She nod her head with suspicion. I turn around and walk back into the hotel. I walk towards them, and greeted them. "Uncle. Auntie." I bow down.

"Hey Cassandra. Its been so long I've seen you. I don't know that you work here." As my aunt hug me.

"Yeah. It's been really long and, sorry if I make you worried." I apologize to her.

She shake her head and was about to say something when a voice interrupt her. "Mr mrs. It's all ready. Please follow me."

My uncle nod his head and my aunt pull me in her hands, "She will be coming too." I look at them as I was pulled into a lift.

When I step out the lift, there is a huge door in front of us. "Do I really have to go in there?"

"Yes silly. Now come on." As she pull me again.

We went inside the room and walked in a huge hallway until I see a much more bigger room. There is four mens sitting on the couch as one standing on the stairs, smoking.

"Huh. Sir. Your here?" I saw the guy with a yellowish-orangish-blondish hair.

"Yes. And call me Ota please." He wink.

"Uhhh yes Si-Ota." I apologize.

"Why are you here?" Eisuke ask.

I just shake my shoulder up and down represent that I do not know. Suddenly, I feel pain on my arm. I scream,"Ouch! Why did you do that?" I rub my injured spot.

"Because you should show yourself as like a highness, Cassandra. Well, you are suppose to be the future boss of the Whi-."

I stop her,"No." I turn my heels around. "But Cassandra. The company needs you."

"Sorry, but the company doesn't need me. So stop lying to me." I glare at her. As I walk in the lift and went back home.

When I reach home, I literally jump on the bed and fall asleep after bathing.

After a few hours, which is minutes to me. I woke up with a nightmare but went back to sleep, pretending it's nothing.

How is this book? I decided to write this fanfic. It's been a hard time writing and think about this book because I do not buy any of their story, I only watch the prolouge and the first episode of each person.

So bare with me if anything is wrong cause I do not know anything. Which is why I've been debating should I or not write this book!

I hope you love it! Enjoy!


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