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"Blaire White." I hiss at her name.

"Cassandra White." She smirk at me and then change to a serious looking face, "And her friends."

I turn around and saw Eisuke, Soryu, Ota, Baba and Mamoru coming down to the beach.

Of course. Boys. They will always never listen to what their adult say.

"What are you guys doing here!" I whisper-shout at them.

"Backup." Mamoru manage to talk with his cigarette on his mouth. I just don't know how he manage to do that every time.



I'm correct. She is here. And literally just in front of me.

"Blaire. Stop." I said out loud.

The others look at me as I only focus on what is in front of me, Blaire.

"Very funny. Am I the person who will stop to get the chance to kill someone higher rank than me?!" She laugh.


Yesssss! She is a bastard but do not hate her okay! You still don't even know Blaire yet! Im sorry if this chapter is too short or little for you but I needed to think! And I think that the next scenario will be suited for next chapter! Okay!



Ps. Finding pics for Eisuke is tiring... .... I give up....

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