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My whole body froze from his voice.

Suddenly he hung up. I heard the other bidders calling my name, shaking me but I'm still frozen in solid thanks to him.

I look at Eisuke and he look back at me. My eyes widen when I think about something and he make a curious face. That's when I feel like my body start heating up and my eyesight start to bluring out. I search for Eisuke eyes but not for long, I feel like I have no control of my whole body anymore. And it just drop on the floor. I was so prepare for the pain but it doesn't come.

I tried to open my eyes as hard as possible but I can't. I only can open it a little small and look at Eisuke face right in front of me as the last thing I remember is saying his name before fainting.


After that unknown guy hang up, we stare at each other and then we start calling Cassandra name. But she doesn't look at us, she still staring at the phone. Her face is like out of earth, when she look at me, I was a little surprise but manage to keep my posture. After that I saw her eyes widen with fear as I make a curious face at her.

Then next thing I know she drop flat on the floor. I was in shock but luckily I caught her in time.I start calling her name but she doesn't move, the next thing I know before she faint is saying my name.

I start going into protective mode and carry her to my room as I order Soryu to call a doctor. I climb up the stairs as I carry Cassandra in a bridal style.

I put her down and that's when Soryu barged in with the doctor. The doctor rush towards Cassandra as I back up a little. The doctor check her palse or something then use the stethoscope to check her heart beats then place something on her arm to check her blood pressure.

After a few minute, the doctor keep his stuff and told me not to worry. And he explain that Cassandra faint because her blood pressure increase and it's not a big deal. And he said to let her rest for a while. I nod at him and he went out.

The room only left me and Cassandra as I sit beside her and hold her hand. Worriedly, "You are one hell of a pain in the ass you know?"

I rest my head on her hand that's when I heard a voice said, "I know. And I'm proud of that!" I throw my head up and saw Cassandra looking at me. Smiling at me, she continue "Well at least my mouth, ears, nose and eyes is working. What happened to me and why does my head feel kinda hot and why is my body feeling cold when I have a blanket on?!"

"You fainted after the unknown guy called you. The doctor said that your blood pressure increase. That's why you faint."

She frown, "Then explain why my head feels hot when my body feel cold?"

"That I do not know. Maybe you need some more hottness." I smirk.

She look at me for a while then she start panicking, "No. No. No no no no no. NO! DON'T YOU DARE TO COME NEAR ME YOU ASSHOLE!"

I laugh at her as her face start becoming red. I shake my head and start walking to my office as I have a few things need to be done.


I watch him as he walk out of the room. I force myself to sit up, I look around the room. The room is decorated with modern stuff. I try to stand up but my legs automatic shut down. I try to balance myself by supporting the wall. I support myself to the huge window and look out of it and see a lot of lights. I start thinking about the call.

Suddenly, I have this chill on my back. And everytime I have that chill on my back, it's always things going to be bad or worse.

My mind start racing as I try to get my phone but before I could reach my phone  I trip and it make a big loud sound. Eisuke came rushing towards me after noticing the sounds I just made.

"What are doing out of your bed." He sound angry but his tone doesn't hide his face. His face is full of shock and worriedness. I giggle at him as I read his face, he look at me like 'Girl you just fall and you still can giggle!?'. 

"What so funny?" He ask.

"Your face. I could read it, idiot. Your face tells it all." I continue laughing.

He kept silence as I still continue laughing at him. Suddenly he smirk, "Cassandra. You know that you are in a deep deep trouble."

I blink at him as he said that, I do not know what he is trying to say but I know that it's going to be very nasty.


Wait. She can read my face?!?

So I will stop here! By the time you reading this, I'm telling you. This chapter, I wrote it like on 31 december. So in just one day I've written to like 4 chapter. But I couldn't blame why because this books have less than 1000 words that includes the author note. And I wanted to keep that way. Because all other book I writes were more than 1000 words so I feel special for this book!

As also special because 'Kissed by the Baddest Bidder' is the first otome and Voltage game I've played! And it's still my favourite. Just blame Eisuke and Soryu for being my most favourite otome guys. And yes. Eisuke and Soryu are my favourite character in kbtbb.

Okay shoot. I might just overshot those author notes cause now is 1012 words alr and its getting more and more and more! Btw shoutout to my best friend Sweetviana for helping me for this chapter even though we talk crap on that phone 😉. Okay time to go soon and enjoy the picture above! And this chapter too!

And thanks for the encouragement especially Koharu2459.


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