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{ Alyssa }

A few months later.


Oh yeah and I have the Pneumonia and the Stomach flu at the same time.

This is great. Happy birthday to me.

Also Liam came to visit me for my birthday unfortunately I have sickness.

"Liaaaaammmm, is the soup done yet???"

"It's almost done, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I promise it'll be done in a second."

I try to get up to go get a box of tissues. I feel bad for running him around. Unfortunately Joe is at work, he has a side job.

I fall to the ground on my bum with a thud.

"Alyssa?" Liam asks as I hear footsteps getting louder from the hallway.

"I'm ok, sort of."

"What happened?"

"I tried to get up an-"

"Please get back in bed, I will do everything for you, I promise."

He helps me back up as my temporary disability prevents me from doing so on my own.

I decide to call Zachary to see if he wants to get on cube later.

"Hey Alyssa!"

"Hey Zach, wanna play on cube later?"

"Uh....has nobody told you."

"Told me what?"

"The cube has been disbanded for about 3 days."


"I'm sorry it's just that, we all agreed that once season 3 was over we'd end it. We all wanna do our own thing you know and I didn't want anyone to feel like they have to play on the server you know. And I hate to say this but we were dying, the cube episodes never got as many views anymore."

"It's ok, I guess I get it." I said as I frowned trying not to.

"But I had fun filming with you, don't think this is the last time we'll ever play together. It's just sometimes we have to go separate ways."

"Yeah I know, I'll uh talk to you later." I say and turn away to cough.

"Alyssa?!?!? Do you need some tea????" Liam asks from down stairs.

"No I'm ok." I say back.

"Was that Liam?" Zach asks as I focus my attention back to the phone.

"Yea, he's just here because of my birthday but I just so happen to be sick."

"Oh I'm sorry, I should go. My cats are ripping up the curtains."

"Yeah.....I'll talk to you later....Zach."

I hang up skype and bury myself under the covers.

"Alyssa? What's wrong."

I peek out of my covers and there is Liam with a bowl of soup.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"THAT THE CUBE DISBANDED! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?!?!? I......I.......the entire conversation happened without me."

"We didn't know how to tell you."

"So you just waited until I embarrassed myself to be like surprise your YouTube career is down spiraling."

"Now it's not like that."

"It's exactly like that Liam!"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry now, you've done everything you can do."

He sets bowl on the dresser and stands up a little straighter.

"You know what? I came here to help you because you're sick. I didn't have to do any of this so don't be mad that I was thinking of you."

"Thinking of me?!?!? Thinking of me, alright. If you were thinking of me you would've told me 3 DAYS AGO WHEN EVERYONE ELSE FOUND OUT YOU ASS HAT." I yell as he starts getting closer to the bed. "AND YOU KNOW WHAT, IF HELPING ME IS SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS THE GO HANG OUT WITH JOE. HE SHOULD BE HO-"

He cuts me off by smashing his lips into mine.

"I'm sick." I whisper through the kiss.

"It's not contagious." He whispers as well.

"I see you did your research." I say as he gets on the bed.

"You're hot when you're angry, especially at me."

"It's not supposed to be but whatever."

He climbs on top of me as I throw my phone to the side.

"Even though you're sick I'd rather you not cough on me."

"Don't think you can get out of everything by kissing me. I'm still angry at you."

He attacks my neck with kisses as I hear the front door open.

"Alyssa? Liam? Are you here?" I hear Joe yell from downstairs.

Liam sighs as he gets off me and slumps into the chair next to the bed.

"Damn." He says and shakes his head.

when we were young - tofuugaming + hbomb94Where stories live. Discover now