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{ Alyssa }

I feel bad about standing up for Zack because if Joe knew the he kissed me while we were lying down last night he would freak out.

I still don't know why I didn't move when he kissed me. I just......I don't know.

I just don't like Zack that way if that's what he was getting at.

I honestly don't know if he likes me in that way or not, but if he does I might have to stop laying on the couch with him.

Maybe Joe is right. That I should stop laying with Zack. I know Joe was trying to warn me and I should listen now.

I just don't want to hurt anyone.


I look up at Will as we sit at a nice wooden table at the boardwalk.

"Yeah? Sorry just in my thoughts and stuff...."

"That's alright, but I asked if you wanted some breakfast."

He smiles and laughs at my tendency to not pay any attention to what people are saying.


I get out my wallet and he pushes my hand back down.

"I got this."

He looks at me all smug like and I just put the wallet away because I know he's not gonna take no for an answer.

"Thank you." I smile at him and he hands me a menu.

It's nice to know that I have such good friends.

"Anything for a friend."

A friend...good. I don't need any guy problems right now.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask him as I put down the menu.

"Yea.....sure what is it?"

"You think that you could come with me when I go hang out with Tom at Vidcon?"

"Sure, can I ask why?"

"I had this dream or this nightmare more like its uh um.......can I not say."

"Yea, you don't have to tell me. I get it that you'd rather not recall it. I'll go with you don't worry."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome. You know I love you."

I think about this for a second. Which is most likely what he expected me to do.

"I love you too, Will."

After about 2 hours of talking and walking on the boardwalk we decide to go back because it's about 13:30.

I need not be late to that trampoline place thing that I was invited to. I decide not to tell Will just incase he wasn't invited. But I'm sure he is, and I think he decided to do the same.

I finally get back and there is Mitch waiting outside with 3 other cars.

"Hey lets go!" He yells out to us.

I smile and hold my index finger up as to indicate that I'll be ready in a second.

I run inside to see nobody there, they all must be in the cars.

I change out of my jean shorts into some exercise shorts, only because I figured that exercise would be involved.

I run back out and hop in the car with Joe in the backseat.

"Took you long enough you slowpoke."

"Ok says Mr. I take 40 minutes to come film a vid so I can get a drink from Starbucks." I say mocking that one time he took 90 years to film with Liam so he could go get Starbucks.

when we were young - tofuugaming + hbomb94Where stories live. Discover now