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{ Alyssa }

I wake up at the air bnb in a bed. I look to my right and there is Liam soundly sleeping. He must be so tired, I'll let him rest. Poor thing.

Yesterday was the last day of the convention and Graser talked me into going to a party. Which I'm not very good at which leads to why I never go with Tom.

I should get up and go shopping or something. Go to the beach maybe.

I unplug my phone and quietly get out of bed as to not wake up Liam.

I creep down stairs to see Bee eating a pastry of some sort.


"Where were you last night?" She asks as she puts down her pastry and looks up at me.

"I was out."


"I was out with Liam, alright."

"Oooooooo, did you do anything?"


"What? It's a valid question."

"No, nothing happened. So hush."

"Sure......so what actually happened."

I sigh and sit down at the table with her. Then I take a bite of her pastry and give it back.

"If I tell you this you can't tell anyone."


"Well we kissed."

"That's it?"

".....for a long time. Then I laid on him and he played with my hair. Then I fell asleep and I don't know what happened after that."



"So where did you go?"

"Just an open field, to look at the stars and stuff."



"So...you're going to the party right."

"I have to."


"Graser is making me go, because apparently I'm a stick in the mud."

"No you're not, you just don't enjoy parties as much."

"Thank you, that's what I've been trying to tell people but nobody believes me."

"Well just try and enjoy yourself at least once, you might enjoy it."

"I'll try."


I hate this.

The music is too loud, there are too many people in here, and it smells like they bathe in cologne.

I'd rather be anywhere else.

I'm confronted by an obviously drunk fellow who says he wants to dance I think.

"No thanks." I say and try to push past him.

"I don't think so, girlie." He says and burps with his breath reeking of scotch and tequila.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. So much that his stomach was touching mine and my legs were trapped between his.

I attempt to push him off of me but this man has way more muscles than I do. And admittedly way taller than me.

But again he is drunk which makes the situation even worse than it already is.

As he leans in closer a can feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispers in my ear what he wants to do with me.

It's like my throat is convulsing, keeping me from yelling at him or telling him to stop. It's like my body froze in a block of ice, keeping me from attempting to push him away or fight back.

His hand is cold as the travel up my leg and under my dress. His other hand travels up to my chest.

I normally don't wear dresses like this but I won't anymore.

I close me eyes before I hear something hit the floor and a pair of hands on my shoulders.


I hear Will's voice but I ignore his pleas for me to look at him.

I don't open my eyes as my whole body shakes under this person's arms.

Tears roll down my face as I'm engulfed in someone's arms.

I push the person away from me and I run out side.

I fall to the ground and hope nobody comes to touch me. Please don't....


"Please don't touch me."

"I wasn't going to."

I open my eyes to see Will standing in front of my with my purse in hand.

"Are you sure you don't want a hug?" He asks bending down to reach me.

I engulf him in a hug so big it could touch 3 more people.

"It's ok. I won't ever let someone do anything to you. Ok? You're like my best friend. I would be so guilty if anything ever happened to you."

I let the years roll down my face as they touch his skin.

"Come on, I'll call an uber or something so we can go back to the house."

I get up with him as he takes me hand. I feel like a baby. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

After we get into the uber I feel myself falling asleep.

Nightmares arising.......

{ Will }

Oh, she's asleep.

I hope nothing bad ever happens to her.

She's too special, to all of us.

Especially to me.

Because she's my best friend.

And I love her for that.

For being there for me.

And I made sure, the guy got beat up before we left.

Just for her.

Because of what she's done....for all of us.

Thank you, Alyssa.....for being you.

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