The Problem With Recruits

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>>Hello fellow readers! What did you think of the first chapter? Should I have had made it longer? Also, I'm sorry that I didn't update a new chapter yesterday. I'll be doing two chapters today instead of one, because I arrived home really late and I was super tired. Warning: Spoilers from the manga! Anyways, that's all I have to say, so enjoy reading!<<


Levi regained his composure, wiping off the stranded tears like they were nothing.

"Erwin won't be happy with this." He muttered. "Everyone, go back to what you were assigned to do. No slacking off or there will be punishment. You follow me, Ex-Lance-Corporal Tempest." Levi made the 'Ex' more pronounced. The onlookers gasped in sudden realization.

"She's the myth that's been going around for years?"

"I didn't even know she existed."

"I heard her squad members skills are almost equal to Corporal Levi's."

Murmurs arose once more, and I felt the gaze of every person on me.

"Go." Levi said forcefully, waving them off. The crowd disbanded, still in shock.

"Awh, sour much?" I said with a smile. I heard a scream.

"Tempest~!" Hanji ran towards me with tears in her eyes. She jumped on me, screwing up my hair even more.

"Hanji! It's nice to see you again!" I gently pushed her off.

"Where have you been all these years? Alastair!" She rushed over to the quiet boy, who was now covered in her amazement.

After she greeted all of my members, Levi ordered, "Hanji. Bring up the rear, we're heading straight to Erwin's office. I believe this issue needs to be brought to his attention."

"Of course, of course." She agreed, nodding her head and taking her place behind Axel.

We walked through the stone halls silently, our feet were the only things making a sound. I made note of the different scenery as we arrived in front of Erwin's door.

Levi knocked three times, "Come in."

The door creaked open to reveal an older-looking Erwin.

We all shuffled inside, "You look well." I said, switching moods.

"I could say the same for you." He answered, "Alastair, Naomi, Axel. Where's...?"

I blinked noticeably. Erwin sighed, "I see. You may go now. Hanji, lead them into the dining hall. We'll be discussing an urgent matter with a few other people. Levi, you may also leave."

He was just about to protest when Erwin interrupted him, "That's an order, not a question."

"Tch." Hanji left the room with everyone following after her.

I saluted, "Take a seat." I pulled a chair up to his desk, "You understand what situation you are in correct?"

"Of course. I will take full responsibility for any problems or damages I may have caused."

"There's no punishment, I can assure you. I trust that you left for a good cause?"

"That is what I wish to discuss with you. I would have informed you about this, but it happened so suddenly that there was only time to carry the mission out."

"Was it a success?"

"That is for you to decide." My hands were folded in my lap.

"Let's cut to the chase."

"My squad and I were specially selected to change our identities and infiltrate the government. What we found was shocking." I pulled a diary out from my satchel and laid it on his desk. Immediately, he opened it. Inside was all the information we were able to gather.

"I'll summarize a few things for you. We were recruited by Grisha Jaeger, Eren's father. When we tried to find out where he came from, there were no documents related to his birth. To put it blatantly, Grisha Jaeger doesn't exist inside these walls. This has led us to believe he has come from a different society. He had the ability to change into a Titan, using a serum. Apparently, turning into a Titan was the punishment for the severest crime where he came from. This was revealed to us by Grisha himself. After he dispatched us, we could no longer find or track him down. He probably inject the serum into Eren, which is why he can transform. Eren ate him, so he regained consciousness. If we can destroy the source of this serum, we can kill off all the Titans once for all. The factory probably lies where Grisha came from. He didn't reveal to us where it was, but the probability of the truth lying inside Eren's basement is high." I took a deep breath.

There was more, but he stopped me. "You know Annie Leonheart?"

I nodded. "Recruit of the Military Police. I was going to get to that. She's a Titan. You're about to launch an operation, aren't you?"

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