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Standing in front of his house, I called him.


"Come outside," I said.

"Oh okaaaay," he said with a giggle.

"Don't giggle. Just hurry," I said in a monotone voice.

"Okay okay I'm coming," he said in a hurry.

I hung up and waited. The front door opened as he came out holding a jacket.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked me as he wrapped the jacket around me.

I stepped back.

"I'm not."

His eyes got big. He stretched out his hand to grab mine but as soon as I felt his light touch, I pulled away.

"Taehyung-ah, I'm here for only one reason. Tiffany."

"You heard."

He sounded disappointed.

"I didn't mean for it to happen like this. I was going to tell you," he explained.

"When? Today? Tomorrow? In a week? I should've known about it when it happened Tae. I'm your girlfriend for christ sake!"

"Listen. Y/N. Calm down okay? I didn't think it would happen so soon but since you already know...let's call it off."

I scoffed in disbelief. His face showed no emotion. His strong eyes were dead and his smile was gone.

"You're kidding me right?"

"No I'm not. Y/N I need a girl who will be there for me all the time and you're not. Plus you have Jae Bum now so I'm sure you'll be okay," he said in a low voice.

"What? Jae Bum and I are just friends! I-"

"It doesn't matter. I'm with Tiffany now. We should just go back to being friends Y/N."

I ran my fingers through my scalp in disbelief.

"Friends? No Taehyung. You can't be friends with someone you love. After everything we went through...I thought it would last. First Irene and now Tiffany? I was an idiot to see my whole life with you. I wanted to marry you! I guess I meant nothing to you. Have a good life Tae because I won't be around to see it anymore."

I ran into my house before the tears started rolling down. With my hands on my face, I slid down on my knees and sobbed. The thing I was afraid of, I have always been in love alone.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual to avoid seeing Taehyung. I headed to the store to buy new locks for the front door. I told my parents and Dawon unnie it was because I lost my key. Besides that, I spent the whole day in my room.

When you go through a break up for the first time, it hurts like hell.  Like a huge part of you was now missing but you hated it even more because you knew where that piece was. Then you start hating yourself because you feel like it was all your fault. You nitpick on your flaws because you feel like you just weren't good enough to be the one.

Hey Y/N! It's Sana! We haven't talked in a while but there's this party I'm having and there's gonna be lots of old friends. Please come if you can! P.s. you don't have to tell Taehyung you're coming.

Sana texted me but I didn't really feel like telling her about my break up with Taehyung. I put my phone down and rolled across my bed to the other side. I rolled up in a ball and covered myself with my blanket.

My phone started ringing. I picked up without looking to see who it was.


"Hey it's Irene. I heard Sana invited you to her party. Will you be there?"

Kim Taehyung: Lost by ChoiceWhere stories live. Discover now