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It's been a few weeks since the moment with Namjoon. I still haven't been able to call him by the nickname I somehow proposed. It was embarrassing. I sat on my bed with my laptop in my lap when all of a sudden someone was calling me.

"Taehyungie?" I asked out loud and picked up the FaceTime call.

"Wow. It came on right away. Oh. It didn't?" he said adorably.

"Yah I did pick up," I said laughing at his reaction.

"Oh you must like me a lot to pick up so quickly," he said as he made a derp face.

"What do you want FRIEND?" I said emphasizing the word.

He proceeded to act as if I had just shot bullets to his heart. This weirdo is such a cutie! How can one hold herself back? I bursted out laughing and seeing this, he was satisfied.

"I was wondering if you were free today. I'm coming over in thirty minutes so be ready," he said calmly before ending the call with another ugly facial expression.

"Yah! KIM TAEHYUNG!" Click. And there he ended the call. I sighed. He's always doing whatever he wants.

Thirty minutes passed and there was no knock or doorbell ringing. I laid back in bed and covered myself, ready to take a nap. Then 2 minutes later I heard who I was waiting for.

"Come in," I said.

"Wait why are you still in your pajamas?! I gave you 2 extra minutes," he said scratching his head.

"You didn't say anything except that you were coming over. How would I know what you want?"

He looked bummed out. This kid keeps making me feel bad all the time.

"Fine. I'll go get ready. It never takes me a long time anyways," I said walking upstairs.

"No let's stay in and do a movie night then. You already look so cute in your pajamas it would be a waste," he said smiling brightly.

I blushed. How can this be cute?

"Alright, but you choose a movie. I hate choosing," I said smiling back at him.

I still haven't accepted his confession. I kind of like him like this. Would things change if I said yes? Would he still try his best to get my attention? I'm just selfish.

"I'll make the snacks first," I said.

"Ouu ouu let me help!" he said excitedly.

"No last time you made my food too salty," I replied.

He pouted and made his adorable sad face just like last time. "Fine, but ask before you do!" I exclaimed.

It was fun cooking with him. We tried new things, new combos, and new recipes all the time. We watched some of his favorite movies and anime. During the middle of the movie, he started to scoot nearer and nearer to me. It was cute that he thought he was slick about it. He yawned and drew his left arm over towards and around me. Typical Tae. I tried to hold in my giggle but it didn't help.

"Yah don't laugh at me. I'm trying here," he said blushing.

"Okay okay, but you're just too funny. I can't help it."

"If you don't stop laughing at me, you'll regret it," he said like a child which made me laugh even more. "Yah! I warned you!" He climbed over and started to tickle me and if you knew me, the smallest touch makes me cringe into nonstop laughter.

"Y-y-yah!" I cackled un-prettily. "STOP IT!" We were laying sideways on the couch and it felt as if I was going to fall on my head any moment. At this point I tried to find an advantage and when I found it, I grabbed him into a head lock. As soon as I did so, we both rolled backwards onto the floor with Taehyung landing on top and then it happened, so sudden, our clumsy first kiss. I blank a couple times and then pushed him off me.

"You're heavy!" I said as I slid away and stood up. He stood up awkwardly as well as we faced away from one another.

My face was probably redder than a tomato. My ears were burning hot and I slowly touched my lips. I couldn't bring myself to look at Taehyung yet. It was so embarrassing! A couple seconds later, I heard him from behind.

"Y/N-ah, you know I still like you. I'm still waiting for your reply. I can wait for as long as you want me to but please. Please don't make me wait too long to be closer to you," he said in a deep passionate voice.

I knew he deserved to know. I mean, I love him. But why is it so hard to say? Every time I wanted to tell him, my heart felt like it was going to explode and I lose courage. I always end up doing something dumb instead.

A giggle came from Taehyung as I was deep in thought.

"Hey look Y/N! That little creature in the anime looks like you," he continued to chuckle.

I turned and looked to see three sea monkeys who were huge and brown with belly scales. "Me?! Taehyung! It looks more like you!" I was offended and laughed. "See make your usual face right now and I'm gonna take a picture. It perfectly resembles you." We laughed and fought like we usually did, as friends.

Kim Taehyung: Lost by ChoiceWhere stories live. Discover now