Chapter 2

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*Fast Forward to Graduation Day at the End of May*

"I can't believe you're already graduating." My mom tells me as she finishes the final touches to my outfit.

"Me either. These past years have flown by so fast, but I feel good about life and about myself, so that's good." I tell her.

She nods and gives me one final hug before making her way to her seat.

We go through the ceremony like it's no big deal. Everyone accepts their diplomas and the audience claps.

The whole time, I can't stop thinking about leaving for California. I leave tomorrow morning with Kate. I've been packing all week. Even though VidCon is in two months, I still want to spend my first summer as a well-known YouTuber in California with my best friend.

After the ceremony is over, most people stay after for the party. But not me. I want to go right home and finish packing my suitcase. I also have to call our land lord and see if our apartment is ready.

The night is very busy, but goes by quickly. I call up Kate to make sure she is done packing as well and will be ready to leave in the morning. I can't help, but be extremely excited for tomorrow.

*The Next Morning*

My alarm goes off at 4:00am. I scramble out of bed and get my suitcases together. My mom drives Kate and I to the airport. I get out of the car and give my mom one last hug before I see her again.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She tells me.

"I'm going to miss you too." I tell her. I really don't want to cry, but I do. I'm an emotional person.

After creating an emotional scene, Kate and I walk into the airport. We check our bags, go through security and then eventually find our gate. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone that looks extremely familiar. It's Tyler Oakley!

"Kate! Look." I tell her as I point to Tyler.

"Oh my gosh." She replies.

Before we can get up to go meet him, he is already walking towards us.

"Are you Ashley Parker?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer. I am stunned by the fact that he knows my name.

"You're shocked that I know who you are, aren't you?" He asks.

I nod and he just laughs. He tells me he hopes to see me again and then boards the plane. If all YouTubers are that nice, then I can't wait to meet more.


Make sure you comment what you think. I will probably have some more up tomorrow and it'll hopefully start getting into the Jc stuff.

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