Chapter 10

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Jc's POV-

After I dump the water on her, she just walks upstairs and I hear her door slam shut.

"Do you think she's mad?" I ask Ricky.

"I don't know. I mean you probably just ruined her make up and I guess that can really get to a girl." He replies as he goes back to editing his video.

I walk upstairs and knock on Ashley's door.

"What?" She answers. She's obviously annoyed.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"Whatever." She says.

I open the door and walk in. I see her standing infront of her closet picking out a new outfit. I walk up to her and hug her.

"I'm sorry." I tell her.

"Are you?" She asks me.

"Yes." I tell her, looking into her eyes.

Then I feel my back wet. I back away from her and see a cup in her hand.

"Got you!" She yells to me with a laugh. She starts to smile again.

"Well, I think I deserved that. I'm just glad you aren't mad." I tell her.

Ashley's POV-

"I can't believe you actually thought I would be mad." I admit to him, begginning to pick out my outfit again.

"Well you girls have some crazy hormones and mood swings." He tells me.

I just laugh and nod.

"Well, I better go change so we can get going." He says and begins to walk out of my room.

"Wait!" I yell. I run up to him.

"What?" He asks, coming back into my room.

"You forgot something." I tell him.

He looks at me, raising his eyebrows.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

He kissed me back.

We pull away and I ask, "So are we still not dating?"

He looks at me and then answers, "I don't know. It's up to you."

"I would love to." I say hugging him again.

"Ok. I think we should change now since we're both still wet as flop." He tells me with a laugh.

"Stop trying to be Trevor." I tell him.

He laughs and leaves my room.

I walk into my bathroom and redo my make up. I change into some hot pink shorts and black tank top that says "LA". I decide to wear my black Vans. I walk back downstairs and sit back down next to Ricky.

"I see you're dry." He says to me with a laugh.

"Yup!" I reply.

"Let's go!" I hear Jc yell down the stairs.

We all get up and walk out the door. We being Connor, Ricky, Kian, Jc, and me.

"So why am I going outside and not continuing to roam Tumblr anymore?" Connor asks.

"We're going shopping!" I yell and run to the car.

We all pile in and drive to the Grove. We go into TopMan, Forever 21, and the Apple Store.

"I think we should all buy something in honor of Trevor." I say putting my hands together and staring at the sky.

"Well first of all, Trevor isn't dead." Ricky says with a laugh.

"And second, you just want an excuse to buy something." Jc says hugging me from behind.

I turn to look at him and say, "Ya, that's it. Now let's go!" I break out of our hug and drag him to the iPhones. I still have the iPhone 4 and I've been thinking it's time for an update.

"I'm gonna get a new phone." I tell Jc.

He nods and helps me decide which one to get.

I really wanted the gold one, but we decided that's too mainstream, so I went with the silverish-white one.

I pay for it and then wait for the rest of the guys.

"Oh look. I'm not the only one who bought something." I say.

"Well I did need a new memory card and charger." Ricky says, holding up his small bag.

"I wanted to update my MacBook Pro to a MacBook Air." Kian says, holding up his slightly larger bag.

"Oh, and what did you get Mr. Franta." I say, staring at his huge bag.

"I got a new desktop computer because your boyfriend ran into mine and broke it." He answers giving Jc a death glare.

"Well Kian just recently broke my vlogging camera." Jc says, defending himself.

"That has nothing to do with anything." Connor says laughing, but rolling his eyes.

"And I did not break it. It landed on the couch. That lady must've dropped it." Kian says.

"You're so stupid." Jc says, shoving Kian.

"Guys stop." I say, but they continue.

"Guys! Cut it out!" Ricky yells, but Kian and Jc continue to shove eachother.

I walk over to Connor and ask, "Does this happen a lot?"

"I guess, but it never turns into anything serious." Connor says.

Just as he says that, Kian pushes Jc. Jc falls and hits his head on a bench. We all expect him to get up, but he doesn't.

"What did you do?" I scream at Kian.

"I don't know! I didn't think he would die!" He screams back to me.

I just shrug and kneel down by Jc.

"Please don't die. I love you." I tell him and softly kiss his lips.

He doesn't kiss back. That's when I know something is wrong. I stand up quickly and turn to the boys. I feel sick from all of this.

"Call 911." I tell Ricky.

He takes out his phone and dials the number.

Kian comes up to me and says, "I'm really sorry. I didn't think this would happen." He tries to hug me, but I push him away.

"No. You broke my boyfriend." I tell him as I walk back to Jc. I lay my head on his shoulder and pray that he'll be okay.

15 minutes later an ambulence arrives. They put Jc on a stretcher.

"Now who would like to come with us. One person per ambulence." The lady tells us.

"I'll go." I say.

"We'll meet you there." Connor says, hugging me.

Ricky hugs me too, but when Kian tries to, I back away.

I walk into the ambulence and we drive away.

Jc's POV-

Kian pushes me and my head hits something hard. The next thing I can see is black. That's it. I can hear moderate talking, but I can't make anything out. Then I hear screaming. I sense someone near me, but I can't do anything. I hear more talking. Then I feel myself being lifted up. 'What the hell happened?' I ask myself, still only seeing blackness.



So what do you think is going to happen to Jc? Will Ashley ever forgive Kian? I'll try to write again soon!

Make sure to comment, vote, and add to your library!

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