Chapter 3

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After sleeping on the plane for the whole ride, I am awoken by Kate.

"Ashley, we have to go. Everyone else is already off the plane." She tells me.

"What? Where are we? Oh ya. LA. Let's go!" I yell as I stand up and grab my bag.

When we walk out of the terminal, we make our way to baggage claim. I see Tyler again with some other YouTubers. I recognize Shane, Sawyer, Jc, and Joey, but there are also five other boys that I had never seen before. I turn back around and walk with Kate to get our two suitcases that are making their way to us.

"Ashley!" I here someone yell. I turn around to see Tyler motioning for me to come over to him.

I turn to Kate and say, "I'll be right back." I leave my suitcase and back pack with her, but take my purse. I make my way over to the group of people.

"Hey Tyler!" I say.

"Hey! So, I know you're moving here and you're on YouTube, so I thought I'd introduce you to some of my friends." He says.


"This is Shane, Sawyer, Joey, Connor, Jc, Ricky, Sam, Trevor, and Kian." He explains as he points each one out to me.

I look at each one, but my eyes stop when I see Jc. His hair is dark brown, almost black. He is wearing a blue, red, and white tie-dye shirt that says "Let's Party". His eyes are brown, but they are so dreamy. I can't help myself, but look at him. He has been my YouTube crush since forever. I felt bad that I didn't recognize his friends. I only ever watched his main channel.

"Are you ok?" Jc asks me.

This is when I realize I had just been staring at him. "Oh yeah. Sorry, I was just daydreaming about California." I lied.

"Let us give you our numbers, so we can hang out!" Tyler suggests.

I pass my phone around and take turns putting my number in their phones.

"Thanks! I gotta get going now, but I'll talk to you guys later hopefully." I tell them, before walking back to Kate, who is on the phone with her mom.

While I wait for Kate to finish her conversation, I find directions to our apartment. Suddenly, my phone beeps. I look down to see a text from Jc.

Jc- We should hang out sometime

Me- Ya! Totally! Are you free tomorrow?

Jc- Ya. I'm free until August because of Vidcon.

Me- Oh ya! I'm so excited for Vidcon!

Jc- You're going?

Me- Well duh, I mean I'm a YouTuber.

Jc- You are? Sorry, I didn't know.

Me- It's fine.(: I gotta go. Kate and I have to go get our car. I'll text you later.

Jc- Bye Ashley(;

Me- Bye Jc(:

"Are you ready to go?" Kate asks.

I nod and we walk to the rental car booth. We pick out a gray Lexus that is just a normal car. We drive off and find our apartment. The neighborhood doesn't look amazing, but it will have to do until we can afford something better.

The rest of the day we unpack and then fall asleep because we did come from Michigan.

I lay down in my bed and think about Jc. He was so nice and I can't wait to hang out with him tomorrow. Then I slowly drift to sleep.


Sorry it's kind of a filler, it will get more interesting, I promise! I just wanted to introdcuce Jc and just set their friendship up!

I should have another chapter up soon.

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