Chapter 1

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It was calm and peaceful all around. Birds were singing and there was slight breeze. It was a complete normal day.... well to other people anyway. *CRASH* 

"HEY! That was an antique!"

"This is not the time to mourn a vase Zach!"

"Skye has a point and I'm pretty sure Austin agrees with us!"

"But.. the vase.."

"Zach I swear to God if you don't hurry up and shoot some fire, I'm going to smash another vase but this time over your head!"

"Fine but gee Chad I didn't know you were that violent!"


*Fireballs shoot into three tall figures in cloaks*

Eva and Skye back into each other. They share a look and duck at the same time causing two cloaks to hit each other. They stand back up and high five.

Austin and Chad can be seen sliding across the floor, tripping up another two cloaks. They smile at each other and they appear to be blushing.

Zach is fist fighting one cloak. Once Skylar sees, she runs over, grabs the cloak's arms and pins them behind his back. Zach shoots a fireball straight at the chest of the cloak, leaving ash on the floor. 

Skylar walks over and offers her hand to Zach which he accepts. He looks down at her and she looks up. They smile.

"Why is everyone in a relationship except for me?"

Eva looked at Austin and Chad, who were busy talking about the fight they just had, and then looked Zach and Skylar, who were still holding hands.

"Who am I kidding? You are my ships!"


Eva gasped and almost collapsed from the question.

"I can't look at you right now."

"A ship is basically a pair of people you want to get together." 

"That's right Austin and you lot are my two ships. Zaylar and Chadustin."

They all laugh. 

"Anyway I think we need to talk about the fight."

Everyone looked at Skylar.

"Think about it. This is the fourth fight this week and its Tuesday."

"Alright lets get out of here, go to the cafe and talk about it there."

They all nodded in agreement at Austin's suggestion.

"Oh by the way... Dibs not cleaning the mess!"




"Zach you're cleaning."


"Don't pout you weren't quick enough."

Zach stuck his tongue out at Chad. Eva, Austin and Chad start to walk out of the messy ballroom. Skylar looks at the mess while Zach walks into her.



"Don't worry about it Skye. I'll clean it up."

"I'm not worried about the mess. I'm worried about why the mess is here. Monica is still missing but I can't help feel like this was her."

"Why would she send cloaks to fight us?"

"I don't know but I still think we've met before. There is something going on, we just need to figure it out."

"Come on. Everyone will be wondering where we are."

He put over her shoulders and they walked out of the room.


A black cloud of smoke appears and reveals Monica smirking at the door that Skylar and Zach just walked out of.

"This isn't over until I get what I want."

The smoke reappears and covers Monica. *Whoosh*

Well that's the first chapter. It might be a bit short but that's because it's the first chapter and I didn't want it to be super long and complicated. I've tried to reintroduce the main characters and tried to pick up where it left off in the first book. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the second book.

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