Chapter 2

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"You guys took your time."

"Zach was moaning about cleaning up the mess."

Zach gave Skylar a look of confusion which she replied with a smile.

"Yeah but anyway lets talk about the fights."

They all sat in the corner of the cafe. Next to them was a large window.

"Is it possible these fights have something to do with Monica leaving?"

"Why would the cloaks still fight us if Monica was gone Eva?"

"Austin is right. They have no reason to fight us but if Monica is still around, then maybe she still controls them."

"Chad has point but there is still one more possible suspect."

"Who Zack?"


Zack looked angry when he said his name.

"He wasn't there when Monica showed herself and he hasn't been heard from."

They all started to realise that Louie could be involved in this.

'' Unless he's dead...."

They all looked at Skylar with looks of confusion.

"What? Think about it. She would kill people she didn't know for power. What would stop her from killing her own partner?"

"So we're back to square one. We are getting nowhere."

"I think we all need some coffee."

"I'll go order them."

"Wait for me Skye"

Zack and Skylar headed to the counter where a girl was working.

"Why didn't you tell them your idea about Monica being involved with our past?"

"You don't see it?"

"See what?"

"The way Austin tenses at her name. The look Eva has when she thinks about Monica. How Chad clenches his fists when he remembers what she has done. We were normal once but now we are fighting daily because of one person. I don't want them to live in fear."

Zack looked at Skylar and smiled.

"You really care about them."

"Of course I do. I also notice how angry you get at the mention of Louie."

"Do you blame me."

"I just think you're cute when you're angry."


"Yes you really are."

Skylar kissed his cheek and he smiled.

The girl behind the counter was about to take their order when she saw Zack and started flirting. Skylar narrowed her eye and the pot behind the girl started to boil over. The girl rushed to turn it off.

"And I notice how jealous you get."

"I'm not jealous I just caused trouble so she'd stop flirting and trying to steal my boyfriend............... Okay maybe I'm jealous."

Zack started to laugh and Skylar punched his arm. With the coffee done, they went back to the table. They stayed for another hour and talked about random things. It started to get dark as they headed for their house. Their parents agreed to let them live together because they were 'trusty worthy young adults'.

 Their parents agreed to let them live together because they were 'trusty worthy young adults'

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"I'm too tired to train."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Let's train tomorrow then."

"That was an almost perfect sentence Skye. You just need to change 'tomorrow ' to never."

They all laughed at Eva. They walked through the forest they knew so well. Five different teenagers that had never talked to each other before were now the owners of magic. After the confrontation with Monica, their hair turned back to their natural colours as well as their eyes however there would be times when that extra power would show itself. It was mainly at training but sometimes, when they couldn't control their emotions, their eyes would change colour slightly but usually one of the others would help them to control their magic. 

They had changed since they first met. Austin trusted them enough to tell them he was gay and then when Chad joined, they became a couple. Eva told them about her sister, Avery, bullying her and Skylar pulled a prank on Avery causing her to 'rethink' and move to her place. Skylar hated Zack at first but after some time she saw he was different to the other popular kids and started to like him. Zack liked her back and after a while they decided to get together. They truly were the definition of best friends.

That night, the house was completely quiet.......until......


Austin's scream woke everyone up. They all went into the living room wondering what had happened. Chad had his arm around Austin and was helping him to calm down.

"I'm sorry guys. I was having a nightmare about Monica."


"Skye not so loud."

"Sorry Chad but Austin I need you to tell me about the nightmare."

"Um okay. I was in a music room and there was a young girl. I heard shouting and went to go see what was happening. As I entered the room I saw the girl being pushed, she hit her head on an amp but she was awake. The person who pushed her turned and.... it was Monica. I shouted saying all these things and she went for me. That's when I woke up screaming."

"Chad get Austin back to bed please and Eva if you wouldn't mind, I think Austin might need something to help him to sleep"

They nodded at Skylar and went off. Skylar sat down and put her head in her hands. Zach went over and put his arm around her shoulder.

"What's going on?"

"I don't think it was just a normal nightmare."

"What  else could it have been?"

"I'm not sure."

"Come on I think someone else needs to get to bed."

Eva came back downstairs.

"Chad is going to stay with Austin tonight."

"I thought he would."

"Okay night guys."

"Right come on."



Zach picked Skylar up and put her over his shoulder, he dropped her off at her room.

"That's cheating."

"It worked. I'll see you tomorrow okay."


He hugged her and went off to his room. He walked passed Austin's room and saw Chad and him laughing at what looked like memes. He heard Eva laughing and assumed it was over the same thing.




"I really hope this ends soon." Zach said to himself.

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