2.음악 뮤즈.

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Jungkook 18.
Taehyung 20.

"Music Muse."


"With the lips of an angel."

Mornings became dull.

Once the clock struck 4am Jungkook slipped into a dull silence that only swallowed him whole.

Thailand had became his home.
After the death of his brother, his parents decided to move away from the memories of their oldest son.

Jungkook changed after that snowy afternoon, he once was an innocent boy who waited by the door waiting for taehyung with his bunny smile. Although he was now 18 he still was waiting to move back to south Korea with his bad teen attitude and the bunny smile that never was shown.

His grades were good, he was a straight A student actually. He never had an attitude with his parents unless they brought up his brother.

He wasn't very fond of his brother. He knew his brother didn't say anything about Taehyung's body that was laying in the snow for his own selfish reasons. He didn't want  anybody to know his dirty little secret. Or that he was the reason a person almost died.

Although Jungkook was now in college, his first year to be exact, he was scared of turning 19.

That fear was wading in high waters at the thought of responsibility he would have. He knew once his dad decided Jungkook was ready he would pass over the family business. A business he wanted no part of.

A make up company that sold everything from primer to setting spray.

He would become the chairman if he completed the task of one year of college. Now that it was the beginning of December and only it being months away before he would finish college was scary.

Although he was scared, he also knew there was no other choice. Which is why he asked to go back to Seoul.

"Father...can I move back to South Korea now instead of later? I would like to work at the company and learn what its like rather than being thrown into it."

"Well...if you think that's what you should do, there's no way I could decline you moving back.I'll see what your mother says about it. I'm very proud you're stepping up to the plate."

That one conversation is why Jungkook now sat in a furnished condo on the top floor of one of South Koreas nicest places to live. Condo wise anyways.

The condo held a great view of the city of Seoul. It was nice and fancy something Jungkook wouldn't have picked for himself, the only thing that was a downside of this condo was his neighbors.

They were loud and he could hear them through the walls when they had parties. Although Jungkook was okay with it first but now that it was 4 am and Jungkook had just now got back from work only wanting to fall asleep on the plush leather couch, the sound of music and laughter was a bother.

Jungkook set his suit jacket on the couch, he looked at himself in the huge mirror hung up on the ceiling. He saw his worn out face and tight black slacks along with the slightly lose tie.

Jungkook stood up from the leather couch walking towards the door replacing his slippers with the slip on all black vans, he fixed his tie walking out of his condo walking only three feet from his door to stand in front of his neighbors door. He knocked on it hearing the music turn down a bit before the door opened reviling a shorter boy in a lose white shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Oo you're cute who invited you?" The boy with an eye smile said leaning against the door frame looking up at Jungkooks taller frame, Jungkook caught a view of the inside seeing a party going on before looking back at the orange haired boy who held a smirk.

"Its 4am. I really would like to sleep. Your music is loud. Can you please keep it down?" Jungkook said with a sigh running his hands through his stiff gel hair.

"Oo sorry sir didn't realize you could hear the music." The orange hair boy said looking Jungkook up and down stopping at the tie.

"Alright just turn it down.thanks."

"Hey sir-"

"What?" Jungkook snapped slightly irritated by the boys high pitched voice causing an aching headache.

"So are you an office worker or something? Is that why you are still in your work clothes?"

"I'm a CEO of a company. Yes I'm basically an office worker, which is why I so kindly asked you to turn down the music."

"Alright then, I'll tell Taehyung."

At the sound of the name that was etched inside of Jungkooks brain and heart, he slowly looked to the ground before walking away not saying a word to the confused orange haired boy who wondered why the man looked so stunned.

When Jungkook reached the inside of his condo he slipped on his slippers staring blankly at the cold floors. He walked all the way to the kitchen standing in front of the counter only to to rest his hands onto it and grip it tightly.

If someone saw him right now they would think he was crazy, Jungkook grabbed the nearest thing which so happened to be an empty wine glass. He threw the wine glass onto the floor releasing a frustrated groan, tears streamed down his cheeks like a small waterfall kissing his cheeks.

The broken glass crunched underneath his slippers that were getting shards stuck on the bottom but never digging into Jungkooks big feet.

He sat down on the couch ripping his tie off and throwing it somewhere. His face held no emotion. The choked sob that should be slipping out of his mouth never came instead  a sarcastic laugh did.

The music at the condo next door no longer playing seeing as how people were leaving the once vibrant party. Taehyung sat on the couch with a blunt between his dry lips next to Namjoon who was swirling his cup full of an intoxicating drink.

"Your neighbor is hot." Jimin said sitting on the couch next to a drunk Yoongi who let out a giggle. A puff of smoke left Taehyungs lips as he laughed.

"I've never met my neighbor really,he moved in like three weeks ago or something." Taehyung said licking his lips before taking another hit.

"He was dressed up in like business attire, his upper body looked nice as fuck!" Jimin said releasing a giggle causing namjoon to join in on the laughing.

"Like 10 out of 10 would bang?"

"10 out of 10 would bang."

The boys laughed together before they all decided to go to bed in guest rooms of Taehyungs house.

While Taehyung sat on his couch watching a random show on the flat screen TV.

Jungkook sat on his leather couch thinking about the older boy from his childhood.



I personally love business boy Jungkook and party boy Taehyung.

-Author Liv.

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